Facebook Account Metrics


You can leverage account metrics to learn more about overall trends across your followers and understand how your content is performing with your audience. You can also view insights for specific posts, stories, and videos that you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them.

Metrics related to Account Insights



Estimated Free Facebook Media Value

This is an estimated Media Value calculation of ((Organic IMP + Viral IMP)*CMP)/1,000.

Estimated Free Facebook Media Value Post

This is an estimated Media Value calculation of ((Organic IMP + Viral IMP)*CMP)/1,000.

Facebook Page Video Views (All Variants)

Daily video views on a page-level broken down by all variants of page-uploaded and page-hosted variants.

Facebook 28 Days LoggedIn Page Views By Device Type

The number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed your Page profile in the last 28 days, broken down by the type of device. It should be used with the Device Type dimension.

Facebook Consumption Type

The number of times people clicked on any of your content without generating a story.

Facebook Feedback Type

Indicates the type of positive feedback given on Facebook including Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story.

Facebook Impressions Frequency Distribution

How many times people saw any content about your Facebook Page.

Facebook Like Source

Like source is a dimension related to where a fan liked your Facebook page. Available values include page suggestion, timeline, ad, and others. A full list is available from Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/insights#like_sources.

Facebook Logged In Page Views By Device Type

The number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page profile, broken down by the type of device. Should be used with the Device Type dimension.

Facebook Login Top

The tabs on your Facebook Page.

Facebook Net Likes

A metric calculated by Sprinklr that subtracts the number of Page Likes (or fans) removed from the number of Page Likes (or fans) added.

Facebook Page 28 Days Call Now Button Unique Clicks

The number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days City: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of People Talking About the Page by user city. (28 days metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension city.

Facebook Page 28 Days Country: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of People Talking About the Page by user country. (28 days metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page 28 Days Demographics: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (28-day metric). This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimensions Age Range and Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days Engaged Users

As defined by Facebook, this is the number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Get Directions Button Unique Clicks

The number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days GoTo Website CTA Button Unique Clicks

The number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached broken down by how many times people saw any content about your Page(28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page 28 Days Impressions of Page Posts By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts, broken down by how many times people saw your posts. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page 28 Days Locale: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Language.

Facebook Page 28 Days Negative Feedback

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Negative Feedback (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Negative Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Negative Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Non-Viral Impressions

The number of times any content from your Page entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Non-Viral Reach

The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Organic Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times your posts were seen in News Feed or Ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Organic Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your posts in News Feed or Ticker or on your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Organic Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who visited your Page, or saw your Page or one of its posts in News Feed or Ticker. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Organic Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts in News Feed or Ticker, or on your Page's Wall. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Page Stories By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories). (28-day metric). This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page 28 Days Paid Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Paid Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Paid Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw a sponsored story or Ad about your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days People Talking About This (Deprecated)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Positive Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story. (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Positive Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story. (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Reach By Locale

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. (28-day metric) This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Locale to return the code for each Locale.

Facebook Page 28 Days Reach Demographics

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by age and gender grouping. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days Reach by City

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by city. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page 28 Days Reach by Country

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by country. (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page post. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Stories

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories). (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Talking About This By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Check-ins 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Check-ins (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Consumers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Consumers (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Consumers By Consumption Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content, by type. (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Consumers By Consumption Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content, by type. (28-day metric).

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions for your Page post. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's auto-played videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

the total number of times page's auto-played videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's autoplay videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times the page's videos have been viewed to the end or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Organic Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Organic Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Paid Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Paid Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed to the end, or for more than 30 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos for more than 3 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos to the end, or for more than 30 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Unique Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Unique Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds, in the last 28 days.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a story published by a friend about your Page. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend, broken down by how many times people saw stories about your Page. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Impressions by Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Total impressions of stories published by a friend about your Page by story type. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your Page post in a story generated by a friend. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page or one of its posts from a story published by a friend. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo-tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Reach by Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your page post in a story from a friend. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page 28 Days Viral Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your page post in a story from a friend. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Check-ins By Country 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the top countries of people who checked into your Place.

Facebook Page Check-ins By Demographics 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the gender and age of people who checked in at your Place. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Check-ins By Locale 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place. This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Locale to return the code for each Locale.

Facebook Page City: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of People Talking About the Page by user city. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension City.

Facebook Page Count of Fans Online

As defined by Facebook, this metric is The number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day, broken down by hour of day.

Facebook Page Count of Fans Online By Hour

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day, broken down by hour of day.

Facebook Page Country: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of People Talking About the Page by user country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Demographics: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of People Talking About the Page by user age and gender. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Engaged Users

As defined by Facebook, this is the number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click.

Facebook Page GoTo Website CTA Button Unique Clicks

The number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button.

Facebook Page Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached broken down by how many times people saw any content about your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Impressions of Page Posts By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts, broken down by how many times people saw your posts. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Likes By City*

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by city, about the people who like your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page Likes By Country*

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by country, about the people who like your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Note: You only get the top 45 countries in the API for country-specific metrics.

Facebook Page Likes By Demographics

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the aggregated demographic data about the people who like your Page based on the age and gender information they provide in their user profiles. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Likes By Like Source

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the breakdown of the number of Page likes from the most common places where people can like your Page.

Facebook Page Likes By Like Source (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the breakdown of the number of people who like your Page from the most common places where people can like your Page.

Facebook Page Likes By Locale

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total number of people who have liked your Page. This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Locale to return the code for each Locale.

Facebook Page Locale: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Language.

Facebook Page Logged-in Tab Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times users logged into Facebook saw tabs on your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Login Top.

Facebook Page Logged-in Tab Views (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of users logged into Facebook who saw tabs on your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Login Top.

Facebook Page Logged-in Views 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook.

Facebook Page Weekly Logged in Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Logged in Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook. (28 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Logged-in Views (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed the Page profile.

Facebook Page Weekly Logged in Views (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Logged in Views (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook. (28 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Negative Feedback

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).

Facebook Page Negative Feedback (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).

Facebook Page Negative Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).

Facebook Page Negative Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).

Facebook Page New Likes

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of new people who have liked your Page.

Facebook Page New Likes (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of new people who have liked your Page.

Facebook Page Non Viral Impressions

The number of times any content from your Page entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.

Facebook Page Non Viral Reach

The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.

Facebook Page Non-logged-in Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Page views from users not logged into Facebook.

Facebook Page Organic Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times your posts were seen in News Feed or Ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans.

Facebook Page Organic Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your posts in News Feed or Ticker or on your Page.

Facebook Page Organic Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who visited your Page, or saw your Page or one of its posts in News Feed or Ticker. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans.

Facebook Page Organic Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts in News Feed or Ticker, or on your Page's Wall.

Facebook Page Page Stories By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories). This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Paid Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page.

Facebook Page Paid Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story.

Facebook Page Paid Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw a sponsored story or Ad about your Page.

Facebook Page Paid Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story.

Facebook Page People Talking About This (Deprecated)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place.

Facebook Page Positive Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is The number of times people took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story.

Facebook Page Positive Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story.

Facebook Page Reach By Locale

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Locale to return the code for each Locale.

Facebook Page Reach Demographics

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by age and gender grouping. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Reach by City

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page Reach by Country

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Stories

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories).

Facebook Page Talking About This By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Total Check-ins 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place.

Facebook Page Total Check-ins (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place.

Facebook Page Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones.

Facebook Page Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones.

Facebook Page Total Consumers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content.

Facebook Page Total Consumers (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content.

Facebook Page Total Consumers By Consumption Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content, by type.

Facebook Page Total Consumers By Consumption Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content, by type.

Facebook Page Total Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page.

Facebook Page Total Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions for your Page post.

Facebook Page Total Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page.

Facebook Page Total Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw any of your Page posts.

Facebook Page Total Views 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Views

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people. (28 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Unlikes by Unlike Source

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people unliked your Page, broken down by the most common ways people can unlike your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Unlike Source.

Facebook Page Unlikes by Unlike Source (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who unliked your Page, broken down by the most common places where people can unlike your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Unlike Source.

Facebook Page Unlikes

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Unlikes of your Page.

Facebook Page Unlikes (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is unique Unlikes of your Page.

Facebook Page Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's autoplay videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Organic Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach.

Facebook Page Video Organic Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach.

Facebook Page Video Paid Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Paid Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed to the end, or for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos to the end, or for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Unique Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Unique Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds.

Facebook Page Video Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds.

Facebook Page Views (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Unique Page Views.

Facebook Page Views By External Referrers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the top referring external domains sending traffic to your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Referrer.

Facebook Page Viral Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a story published by a friend about your Page. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo-tagging your Page or checking in at your Place.

Facebook Page Viral Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend, broken down by how many times people saw stories about your Page. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Viral Impressions by Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Total impressions of stories published by a friend about your Page by story type. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Viral Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times users saw your posts via stories published by their friends.

Facebook Page Viral Reach

As defined by Facebook, this is the number of people who saw your Page or one of its posts from a story published by a friend. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place.

Facebook Page Viral Reach by Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your page post in a story from a friend. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Viral Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your page post in a story from a friend.

Facebook Page Weekly Call Now Button Unique Clicks

Number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly City: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension City.

Facebook Page Weekly Country: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Demographics: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimensions Age Range and Gender.

Facebook Page Weekly Engaged Users

As defined by Facebook, this is the number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly GoTo Website CTA Button Unique Clicks

Number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached broken down by how many times people saw any content about your Page. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Weekly Impressions of Page Posts By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts, broken down by how many times people saw your posts. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Weekly Locale: People Talking About This

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Language.

Facebook Page Weekly Negative Feedback

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Negative Feedback (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Negative Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (7-day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Negative Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post). (7-day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Non Viral Impressions

The number of times any content from your Page entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Non Viral Reach

The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Organic Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times your posts were seen in News Feed or Ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Organic Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your posts in News Feed or Ticker or on your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Organic Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who visited your Page, or saw your Page or one of its posts in News Feed or Ticker. These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Organic Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts in News Feed or Ticker, or on your Page's Wall. (7day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Page Stories By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories). (7 day metric). This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Weekly Paid Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Paid Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Paid Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw a sponsored story or Ad about your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Paid Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page posts in an Ad or Sponsored Story. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly People Talking About This (Deprecated)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people sharing stories about your page ('People Talking About This' / PTAT). These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, phototagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Positive Feedback By Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is The number of times people took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Positive Feedback By Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who took a positive action broken down by type: Like - like a story; Comment - comment on a story; Link - share a story. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Reach By Locale

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. (7 day metric) This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Locale to return the code for each Locale.

Facebook Page Weekly Reach Demographics

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by age and gender grouping. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Weekly Reach by City

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by city. (7 day metric). This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension City.

Facebook Page Weekly Reach by Country

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by country. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Reach of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw any of your Page posts. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Stories

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of stories created about your Page (Stories). (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Talking About This By Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people talking about your Page, by story type. (7 day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Check-ins 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Check-ins (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Check-ins Using Mobile Devices (Unique) 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Consumers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Consumers (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Consumers By Consumption Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on any of your content. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Total Consumers By Consumption Type (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who clicked on any of your content. (7 day metric)

Facebook Page Weekly Total Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions for your Page post. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page. (7 day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Auto-Played Views (Video started playing automatically & people viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Click-to-Play Views (People clicked to play & viewed it for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Organic Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Organic Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Paid Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in the last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Paid Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed to the end, or for more than 30 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos for more than 3 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Repeat Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

Total number of times that people replay a page's videos to the end, or for more than 30 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Unique Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds, in the last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Unique Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds, in last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Views (Viewed for 3 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, in the last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Video Views (Viewed for 30 seconds or more)

The total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds, in the last 7 days.

Facebook Page Weekly Viral Impressions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of a story published by a friend about your Page. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo-tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Viral Impressions By Frequency Distribution

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend, broken down by how many times people saw stories about your Page. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Impression Frequency Distribution.

Facebook Page Weekly Viral Impressions by Story Type

As defined by Facebook, this metric is Total impressions of stories published by a friend about your Page by story type. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of Facebook Story Type.

Facebook Page Weekly Viral Impressions of Page Posts

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions of your Page post in a story generated by a friend. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Viral Reach

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who saw your Page or one of its posts from a story published by a friend. These stories include liking your Page, posting to your Page's Wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo-tagging your Page or checking in at your Place. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Engagements

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments and shares and more.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Engagements

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments and shares and more. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Engagements

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments and shares and more. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total Video View Time in milli seconds 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total time, in milliseconds, people viewed your Page's video.

Facebook Page Weekly Video View Time in milli seconds 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total time, in milliseconds, people viewed your Page's video. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Video View Time in milli seconds 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the total time, in milliseconds, people viewed your Page's video. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Like Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "like" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Like Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "like" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Like Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "like" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Love Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "love" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Love Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "love" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Love Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "love" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Wow Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "wow" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Wow Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "wow" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Wow Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "wow" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Haha Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "haha" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Haha Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "haha" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Haha Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "haha" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Sorry Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "sorry" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Sorry Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "sorry" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Sorry Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "sorry" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Post Anger Total 

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "anger" reactions of a page.

Facebook Page Weekly Post Anger Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "anger" reactions of a page. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Post Anger Total

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the daily total post "anger" reactions of a page. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total Actions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button.

Facebook Page Weekly Total Actions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Total Actions

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total CTA Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by age and gender group.

Facebook Page Weekly CTA Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by age and gender group. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days CTA Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by age and gender group. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Total CTA Clicks by Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Weekly CTA Clicks by Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total CTA Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page Weekly CTA Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Call Now Button Unique Clicks

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button.

Facebook Page Weekly Call Now Button Unique Clicks

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Call Now Button Unique Clicks

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed. 

Facebook Page Total Call Phone Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by age and gender group.

Facebook Page Weekly Call Phone Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by age and gender group. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days Call Phone Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by age and gender group. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Total Call Phone Clicks by Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by countries. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Weekly Call Phone Clicks by Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by countries. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total Call Phone Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Weekly Call Phone Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. 

Facebook Page Total Call Phone Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by www, mobile, API

Facebook Page Weekly Call Phone Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by www, mobile, API. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page 28 Days Call Phone Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by www, mobile, API. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page Get Directions Button Unique Clicks

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button.

Facebook Page Weekly Get Directions Button Unique Clicks

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total Get Directions Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by age and gender group.

Facebook Page Weekly Get Directions Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by age and gender group. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days Get Directions Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by age and gender group. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Weekly Get Direction Clicks By Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by country. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Total Get Direction Clicks By Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Total Get Directions Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page Weekly Get Directions Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by city. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. 

Facebook Page Total Get Directions Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by www, mobile, API or other.

Facebook Page Weekly Get Directions Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by www, mobile, API or other. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page 28 Days Get Directions Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by www, mobile, API or other. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page Total Website Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by age and gender group.

Facebook Page Weekly Website Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by age and gender group. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page 28 Days Website Clicks By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by age and gender group. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Page Total Website Clicks By Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by country. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Weekly Website Clicks By Country (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by country. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

Facebook Page Total Website Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by city. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City.

Facebook Page Weekly Website Clicks by City (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by city. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. 

Facebook Page Total Website Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, API and other.

Facebook Page Weekly Website Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, API and other. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page 28 Days Website Clicks By Site (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Page CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, API and other. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Site.

Facebook Page Logged-Out Tab Views: Facebook Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times users not logged in to Facebook saw tabs on your Page.

Facebook Page Total Views By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have viewed each Page profile tab.

Facebook Page Weekly Views By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have viewed each Page profile tab. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Views By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have viewed each Page profile tab. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Total Views From Logged In Users By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page's profile, broken down by each tab.

Facebook Page Weekly Views From Logged In Users By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page's profile, broken down by each tab. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page 28 Days Views From Logged In Users By Profile Tab

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page's profile, broken down by each tab. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Views By Internal Referrers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page, broken down by the internal referer within Facebook.

Facebook Weekly Page Views By Internal Referrers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page, broken down by the internal referer within Facebook. (7-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook 28 Days Page Views By Internal Referrers

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page, broken down by the internal referer within Facebook. (28-day metric) NOTE: Cumulative metrics should not be summed.

Facebook Page Views By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page profile, broken down by gender group. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender.

Facebook Weekly Page Views By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page profile, broken down by gender group. (7-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender. 

Facebook 28 Days Page Views By Demographics (Unique)

As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people logged in to Facebook who has viewed your Page profile, broken down by gender group. (28-day metric) This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender. 

Facebook Page Regional Follows

The number of followers of your brand's regional Facebook Page or profile. This is calculated as the number of follows minus the number of unfollows over the lifetime of your Facebook Page or profile.

Facebook Page Follows

The number of followers of your brand's global Facebook Page or profile. This is calculated as the number of follows minus the number of unfollows over the lifetime of your Facebook Page or profile (Old Metric Name: Facebook Page Followers Count).

Facebook Page Regional Likes

The total number of people who have liked your brand's regional Facebook Page or profile (Old Metric Name: Facebook Page Total Likes).

Facebook Page Likes

The total number of people who have liked your brand's global Facebook Page or profile(Old Metric Name: Facebook Page Fan Count).