Facebook Dimensions


Dimensions in Sprinklr reporting are categories of data that allow you to view and analyze performance metrics in a more granular manner. These are usually qualitative in nature. This article details out different dimensions available for the Facebook channel.

Facebook Dimensions



Facebook Impressions Frequency Distribution

How many times people saw any content about your Facebook Page.

Facebook Video Retention Seconds

As defined by Facebook, this is the interval to measure video retention by the percentage of viewers.

Facebook Like Source

Like source is a dimension related to where a fan liked your Facebook page. Available values include page suggestion, timeline, ad, and others. A full list is available from Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/docs...#likes_sources

Facebook UnLike Source

The most common ways people can unlike your Facebook Page.

Facebook Consumption Type

The number of times people clicked on any of your content without generating a story.

Facebook Story Type

Facebook story types include liking your Page, posting to your Page's wall, liking, commenting on or sharing one of your Page posts, answering a Question you posted, RSVPing to one of your events, mentioning your Page, photo-tagging your Page or checking in at your Place.

Facebook Login Top

The tabs on your Facebook Page.