Facebook Reels Glossary


Facebook Reels insights help you delve deeper into overall trends across your content. You can also view insights for the reels created by the brand and track performance for each. This article covers details on each of these.

Facebook Reels Reporting Metrics




Facebook Post Initial Reel Plays

The number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is counted. This metric includes reel sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback and excludes replays.

This metric replaces the previous "Facebook Total Reel Play Count" metric

Facebook Post Reel Replays

The number of times your reel starts to play again after the initial play. Replays are defined as plays of 1 millisecond or more in the same reel session.

Facebook Post Total Reel Plays

The total number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is counted, including both initial plays and replays. This metric counts reel sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback.