
There is no license fee for Live Chat. However, there might be a fee for additional services. Please connect with your local Engagement/Success manager for more details

There is no limit on the number of websites. One live chat application can be added to multiple websites. Having said that, we recommend to have separate Live chat applications for each website to understand web traffic better and to handle future website specific use cases

Check if they have Care seats; live chat is part of Sprinklr Service 2

  1. Client has to create and customize a live chat application from UI

  2. Once it is created, client will get a Javascript code that has to be added to the brand’s test website

  3. Create care case management workflow for live chat, just like you would do for Facebook messenger or Twitter DM, with one nuance

  4. If workflow looks fine, you can move the same code snippet to the brand's production/live website.

  5. Congratulations! You’re all set to go!

Please message on teams in #spr-live-chat or contact @akriti / Akriti Bhogal

As a brand, you can

  • Hide the chat trigger icon outside business hours. You can still trigger chat via SDK

  • Make the whole chat application unavailable outside business hours 

  • Send an auto reply message whenever user initiates conversation outside business hours 

Yes session can be persisted across domains

As a brand, you can control the styling(colour and text) for chat trigger icon based on filter conditions like page URL, device etc.

We provide 2 types of links for Social to Live Chat deflection

  • One time Link → has time expiration criteria

  • Generic Link → no time expiration criteria

Please make sure you have raised a request for the correct type of link.
Further for one time link, The expiration time is configurable and applicable only for the first time a user opens the link i.e.

  • If a user opens the link on a browser/device combo within the expiration time, he will be able to access the live chat page on the same combination any time going forward.

  • If a user opens the link on a browser within the expiration time, he will not be able to access the live chat page on any other browser/device combination.

  • If a user opens the link outside expiration time, the link would have expired and the page will show "Sorry, This link is no longer valid and handshake call will have 401"

  • Please make sure you are sending the link asset as a canned response and NOT via “Add link” option

  • In case the link generated is of type One time link, please make sure that the time between when the customer has been shared the link to the time when the customer first clicks on the link is less than the expiry time

We will still see the deleted agent details on the messages sent by them

The font color can be either white (#FFFFFF) or charcoal (#0A0A14). The font color is chosen automatically according to the background color set. This is done with regards to WCAG 2.0 compliance. To check which color will be displayed, go to this contrast checker website. On this website

  • Add the hex code corresponding to your background color in ‘Background Color’

  • Add the hex code #FFFFFF or #0A0A14 in ‘Foreground Color’

  • The contrast ratio should be such that it passes all WCAG AA tests. That is

    • Contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text

    • At least 3:1 for large text

    • And at least 3:1 for graphics and user interface components

  • If all these contrast ratio checks are passed, then you will see WCAG AA passed for all three test

In the intercept display conditions, you can set an upper and lower limit on “Time spent on page load” condition. For eg.

Setting the intercept condition as shown in the figure above will ensure that the proactive prompt is displayed from 5 sec to 25 seconds. Hence, for a total of 20 seconds.