How To Setup Feeds for Automated Campaigns


Sprinklr's advanced feature, the automated campaign feed, provides you with a seamless solution to create multiple ads for your campaign by harnessing the power of Dynamic Image Templates (DIT) and a Feed Data Sheet. This efficient process streamlines your advertising efforts and maximizes your campaign's impact. 

To streamline your advertising efforts and maximize campaign impact, Sprinklr's Automated Campaign Feed offers a powerful solution. This process entails four main phases: Creating a feed, Importing it, and Applying media templates & Approving created assets.

Before you start

You need to plan well, how eaxctly you are creating your data feed, what all columns you are keeping in the feed. Based on your automation requirements these columns can be entirely customised. You can consider following aspects while planning your feed structure/columns:

  • Channel & Ojbective related Details: Determine the channels, objectives, ad accounts, pages, ad formats, placements, budget type, and targeting values for your campaign. 

  • Paid Initiative & Naming Details: Organize campaign details, including ID, Ad status, Grouping (PI & Ad set), Naming, and channel-specific fields (targeting cities, budget, etc.) in a Google Sheets document. 

    • Campaign Naming using one column: Whether to set a unique and meaningful name using a feed column

    • Multiple columns to set a dynamic Name: Using multiple columns to concatenate and make a meaning ful and dynamic name for different campaign entities

  • Columns required in Media Templates: Information which will be used as an input in Dynamic Image & Video Templates to design highly dynamic ads. Elements like product images, descriptions, prices, fonts, titles and other Ad related data can be added in the feed file. 

  • Data Revealed: Carefully decide what information is shared in the feed, considering its visibility across teams. 

  • Columns to Filters: You can now filter different rows which will be used to filter rows in a campaign, ad creation. So are you creating a column in your feed which can be used to use those filters in the later stage

  • Ad Set Grouping: Columns which you are using in targeting are getting used in Ad Set level Grouping and Ad Set naming for easy identifucation and auto, else different values used for same ad set in different rows will be ignored

  • Custom fields you want to use at different levels: Campaign level, Ad Set, Creative Level, Audience, etc


Do's and Don'ts:

  • Do's: 

    • Include essential columns in the Feed Data Sheet: ID, Ad status, Grouping, Naming, and channel-specific fields (targeting cities, budget, etc.). 

    • Use the provided KP for detailed information on column formatting. 

    • Apply media templates to create varied ad formats automatically. 

  • Don'ts: 

    • Don't set different values of targeting / budget for a same ad set in different rows

    • Don't edit values for non-editable channel fields (indicated by red headers).

    • Rename Headers once they are mapped in a Automated Campaign shell

    • Changing data in Grouping feed columns once a row is published

    • Avoid changing the ID of an ad once set. 

    • Delete columns that are used in active campaigns. 

    • Don't have duplicate values in DCO columns


Step-by-Step Guide 


Step 1 :  Create Data Feed 

The Feed Data Sheet serves as the document format from which the automated campaign feed extracts content to populate the dynamic placeholders used in Dynamic Image Templates (DIT). 


In the Feed Data Sheet, each column represents a distinct content placeholder, defining the specific element that will be dynamically updated in the DIT-based templates. These placeholders can include variables such as product names, descriptions, prices, images, promotional offers, and other relevant information. 


The values in the corresponding rows beneath each column represent different data entries for the respective variable. For example, if one column represents product names, each row beneath that column would contain a different product name. Similarly, if another column represents prices, each row beneath that column would contain a different price value. 


Note:Feed Data Sheet should always be created on google sheets (recommended) or any other public access platform. If working on google sheets the process to get the link to share in the feed is given below 

  • Go to share > Publish to web > select comma separated values from the dropdown > Publish and copy link 


  • Effectively utilizing the Feed Data Sheet empowers you to automate the creation of multiple ads, Automated campaigns empowers you to edit the Feed data sheet and implement the changes to your ads directly. 




Step 1: Add your Sharepoint Account

  • Click on your profile Icon > User Name (Top Right Corner)

  • Navigate to the Social Avatar Tab

  • Click on "Add Social Avatar"

  • Select "Microsoft Sharepoint"

  • You will be redirected to the OAuth screen, Log in using the account that you will be using to create Feeds

Step 2: Create a Feed

  • Copy your sharepoint link using Browser for Excel Sheet that will be used in the feed this can be done by clicking on

    • Share > Copy Link to this sheet

  • Proceed to paste this in Feed URL field in Create Automated Ad Feed screen as usual

Step 1: Add Your Smartsheet Account

1. Navigate to Account Addition Screen:

  • Go to Platform Modules > All Settings > Accounts

  • Click on “+ Add Account” to open the account addition screen

  • Select “Smartsheet” from the list of available options

2. Authorize Smartsheet Using OAuth:

  • Click on the Smartsheet icon

  • A redirection popup will appear, prompting you to “Authorize Sprinklr on Smartsheet” and request permission to view your sheets

  • Ensure you are logged into the correct Smartsheet profile

  • Click “Go to Smartsheet” to start the OAuth process

    Step 2: Find Your Smartsheet ID

    1. Open the Sheet:

  • Open the Smartsheet you want to use for your Automated Ads feed.

    2. Locate the Sheet ID:

    • In your sheet, select File

    • Choose Properties from the dropdown menu

    • In the dialog that appears, copy the Sheet ID

    Step 3: Create the Feed Using Smartsheet

    1. Access the Feed Creation Screen:

    • Go to Automated Ads > Feeds

    • Click on “+ Import Feed” to create a new feed

    2. Choose Feed Type:

    • In the feed creation screen, select “Smartsheet ID” as the feed type

    3. Enter Smartsheet Details:

    • Feed Name: Enter a name for your feed.

    • Account: Select the Smartsheet account you added earlier from the dropdown.

    • Smartsheet ID: Enter the ID of the Smartsheet you want to use as the data source.

    • Data Sync Frequency: Choose how often you want the data to sync from Smartsheet to the feed (Manual, Daily, Hourly, Weekly).

    • Save your settings.

  • Note:

    • Ensure that the Smartsheet-defined row is used for creating column headers in the feed file, and include the ID Header in this row.

    • Elements not of string type will be converted to respective strings (e.g., checkboxes will display as True/False when checked/unchecked, and symbols will use the string values specified in the dropdown).

    Step 2 : Importing data feed to make an automated feed 

    Data Feeds can be uploaded in Using two Methods:

    1. Feed Links

    2. Manual CSV Uploads

    Feed Links:

    Once you have created the Feed Data Sheet, it's time to set up the automated feed by adding the necessary details for importing ads: 


    1. Feed Name: Provide a unique name for your campaign's feed. This name will help identify and differentiate it from other feeds you may have. 

    2. Feed URL: Enter the link to the Feed Data Sheet from which you want to extract the data. This URL serves as the source for retrieving the content for your automated ads. 

    3. User Name and Password: This field is optional and allows you to specify login credentials if you want to restrict access to the automated feed only to certain individuals or teams.  

    4. Data Sync Frequency: Determine the frequency at which the content in the feed is synchronized with the generated ads. You have four options to choose from: 

      • Sync Manually: With this option, you have control over when to initiate the data sync by clicking a button. The content update occurs at your discretion. 

      • Sync Daily: Selecting this option ensures that the data is automatically updated every 24 hours. This frequency is suitable when you want the ads to reflect the latest information on a daily basis. 

      • Sync Hourly: By choosing this option, the data is automatically updated every hour. It provides more frequent content synchronization, ideal for campaigns requiring real-time or frequently changing information. 

      • Sync Weekly: Opting for this option enables automatic data updates on a weekly basis. If your campaign requires less frequent content updates, such as for longer-running promotions, this frequency is suitable. 

    5. Create Variations: This setting allows you to generate different variations of ads based on the data extracted from the Feed Data Sheet and the dynamic variables defined in the Dynamic Image Templates (DIT). Select the variables you want to incorporate, such as headline and call-to-action (CTA), from the feed data. The number of unique graphics generated by the automated feed will depend on the selected variables. 

    Manual CSV Upload:

    Once you have created the Feed Data Sheet, it's time to set up the automated feed by adding the necessary details for importing ads: 


    1. Feed Name: Provide a unique name for your campaign's feed. This name will help identify and differentiate it from other feeds you may have. 

    2. Upload File: Take an export of your Feed Data Sheet as a CSV File and Upload it

    3. Create Variations: This setting allows you to generate different variations of ads based on the data extracted from the Feed Data Sheet and the dynamic variables defined in the Dynamic Image Templates (DIT). Select the variables you want to incorporate, such as headline and call-to-action (CTA), from the feed data. The number of unique graphics generated by the automated feed will depend on the selected variables. 


    Step 3: Appy Dynamic template 

    We can use media

    To do that, got to the automated feed window. Click the 3 dots on the left most corner of your automated feed name and select apply template.

    After that, click on the ‘ add dynamic template’ on the top right corner 

    Scroll through the DAM to select the DIT that you want for the particular campaign 

    Note: Selecting Process with Filter will allow you to further refine the rows of the feed file that are used to create assets using conditional filters.

    Now, assign the dynamic values with the columns from the Feed data sheet and click update images. 

    Example- image name –ID, headline – headline, CTA button – Cta Button, Dynamic image 1-  image_link 


    • When DVT is applied to Automated Feeds, it generates not only the main video but also accompanying thumbnails as images. These images are the previews of the various "scenes" crafted during the DVT configuration.

    • To inspect the created video and thumbnail images, navigate to the Feed Creation Dashboard. Here, select the relevant feed and use the "Apply Template" option from the menu (indicated by three dots) to access all the applied templates. Within this menu, choose "Review and approve" for the specific DVT you wish to evaluate.

    • You will be presented with a card displaying both the video and the thumbnails. These can be alternated through using the arrow keys located at the bottom right of the card.

    Note: This is a DP enabled feature, kindly reach out to support or success teams to get this enabled in your environments.



    Templates (DIT/DVT) are used at a large scale. This feature circumvents the need to reprocess the entire template again with corrected values to generate the new assets by giving an option to replace feed generated assets.

    The ability to replace media in automated ads systems like DIT (Dynamic Image Templates) and DVT (Dynamic Video Templates) is controlled by the "Manually Upload Media" permission. Users granted this permission can replace media at the individual asset level.

    Detailed Steps to Replace a Feed Generated Assets

    1. Verify Permissions: Confirm that the user has the "Manually Upload Media" permission enabled.

    2. Apply DIT/DVT: Integrate the DIT or DVT settings into your feed to begin media customization.

    3. Review Current Assets: Navigate to Feed Creation, apply your template, and move to Review & Approve to check existing assets.

    4. Initiate Replacement: For media replacement, use the “Use Manual Upload” checkbox corresponding to each asset you wish to replace


    • Multiple Assets in a Cell: If a cell contains multiple assets, each must be individually replaced by rechecking the Manual Upload box for each asset.

    • Feed Updates: Manually uploaded assets will remain even if the feed is updated. However, approvals will reset only for assets that are updated.

    • Approval Reset:

      • Resets on Removing Manually Uploaded Media

      • Resets on Uploading a Manually Generated Media

      • Approval for Feed Generated Assets is reset when a new Asset is generated using the feed

    This process ensures that media in your automated ads can be efficiently updated or replaced, maintaining the flexibility needed for dynamic ad management.

    Step 4: Set Approval for applied templates

    Now, once applied and assets will be created you can set following approval options 

    1. Auto Approve – All the post created by the feed will be auto-approved and ready for the ads. 

    2. Review and approve – Select and approve selected posts genberated by the feed and make then ready for the ads. If you select this, after every change, a new asset will be created but will not be pushed to the Ads until you come back here and approve the asset. This step is added for an additional level of security