Forecast Reports Visualizations


Stacked Column with Multiple Line Graphs in the Reporting Dashboard

In the reporting dashboard, you can integrate critical parameters such as Volume and Average Handling Time (AHT). This feature offers a combined display with stacked columns for Volume and line graphs for AHT, facilitating improved data interpretation and decision-making.

  • Integrated Visualization:

    • You can plot stacked column charts and multiple line graphs in a single visualization.

  • Enhanced Clarity:

    • Includes workload filtering and color coding for clear differentiation and analysis, allowing you to easily understand the relationship between Volume and AHT for better decision-making and workload management.

  • Custom Dashboard Integration:

    • Once Volume and AHT are plotted, this visualization is incorporated into the custom dashboard view template in the forecasting module.

  • Comprehensive Forecast Display:

    • Volume and AHT forecasts are displayed in the custom dashboard template on the landing page, with all forecast module actions functional within this visualization.

Viewing Multiple Parameters within Workloads in Tabular View of Reporting Dashboard

You can create a tabular view that allows to compare multiple workloads and their parameters side by side. This update includes a multi-workload header, plotting parameters such as Volume, Average Handling Time (AHT), Service Level, and Abandonment Rate against time series data. You can filter by workload, date, and specific parameters, making it easier to perform detailed and comparative analysis.