Freshdesk Migration


If the Brand is currently using Freshdesk for email customer service and wants to switch to Sprinklr for their email customer service, but they don't want to lose all the customer email tickets that have been created till now in Freshdesk.

In this case, We’ll need to migrate all the Freshdesk email tickets to Sprinklr as email cases.

Discovery Questions

Brand needs to answer following discovery questions to move ahead with the FD Migration-

  1. Brand’s current email service provider (eg: Gmail, MS Exchange, SES etc )?

    (Note - For Migration, It is important to add the account in Sprinklr, as the migrated cases will be associated with an Email account.)

  2. Current BSP API rate limit tier for migration -  Freshdesk rate limit (For Brand to check)

  3. Is the brand already using sprinklr for email customer service before migration? 

  4. Is there any auto-forward rule set up for their email id in their current system? 

  5. List of entities that need to be migrated into Sprinklr along with an email body ( custom fields, private comment, public comment, email attachments).

  6. Total Volume of tickets that need to be migrated-

  7. The past date from which we have to start pulling the data from their current system. - 

  8. What does the brand want the case number of the migrated cases to be?

    a) Same as the ticket number in Freshdesk? (“234” Ticket number in Freshdesk →”234”case number in Sprinklr) or

    b) Any other case numbering approach and the FD ticket number to be stored in a CF.

  9. API Access token, Login URL-

  10. Freshdesk Admin Level Access - 

Sprinklr email migration supports the import of the following -

1. Email tickets 

2. Customer Profiles

3. Messages associated with the case

4. Custom Fields

5. Internal Notes

Before you import your data from Freshdesk here are a few things that you’ll need to know: 

Email Tickets 

  1. Email + Web + API tickets can be migrated from Freshdesk to Sprinklr. (for other type of tickets, we'll need to check the feasibility)

  2. Freshdesk API does not allow us to fetch deleted tickets and will, therefore, be skipped during import. 

  3. Channel type of all the migrated tickets will be “Email”.

Customer Profiles

When the Freshdesk tickets are migrated, the customer profiles linked to the migrated email cases will also be brought into Sprinklr, which will result in the creation of corresponding customer profiles in Sprinklr.

Messages associated with the case

 All The emails of the brand and fan accounts related to the Freshdesk email tickets will be transferred to the Sprinklr cases during the import process.

Custom Fields

  1. Custom fields will be created when importing tickets to Sprinklr. If a field is already present in Sprinklr with the same function as in Freshdesk, then it will be updated to the same state as Freshdesk.

  2. When importing, We’ll ensure that the fields you use on Freshdesk will be imported into Sprinklr. If you have created fields on Sprinklr already, please make sure to use the same number of fields and types of ticket properties (single line text, dropdown, etc.) on Sprinklr for the migration to be foolproof.

Ticket Statuses & Properties

Here's how your Freshdesk statuses will be brought into Sprinklr: 





Pending (Waiting on customer)

Awaiting Response

On Hold (Waiting on Third-party)

Internal Hold






Will be skipped during import

* If there are tickets in your Freshdesk account that are closed without any assigned agent, these tickets will be brought into Sprinklr as closed tickets.


Internal Notes

All the internal communication within the Employees associated to the tickets will also be migrated to Sprinklr.