Know about Agent Persona Home Page


Agent persona is a customized view for agents which helps in handling their interactions easily. It also helps the agent to track their performance with the customized dashboards.. ​The home page is the landing screen that is visible to the agent after they log in and consists of widgets that give an overview of their work and performance. 

  1. Profile Widget: In the profile widget, agents view the current user status they are currently present. This widget also gives a clear view on how much they have been in this status. Agents can change their status by clicking on the status dropdown.

  2. Metrics Widget: The metrics widget helps agents in tracking their performance. Agents can further drilldown with these metrics to see their performance current period and previous period. Metrics to be shown to the agent can be customized as per business requirements.

  3. To-do: The to-do widget is helpful for the agents to create their personal to-do’s. These to-do can be related to any case. They can also set the due date, priority also. Based on the due date set, the agent will receive notification about the to-do as a reminder.

  4. My Schedule: My Schedule shows all upcoming tasks, remainders and callbacks which are created in any case. The agents can view their past, upcoming, canceled events in My Schedule widget by changing the time filter on the widget.

  5. Announcements: This widget will be visible only when there are unread announcements for that particular user. Agents can acknowledge an announcement or dismiss an announcement till the due date of announcement.

  6. Recommended Articles for you: This widget contains the recommended articles for the agent on how to use Sprinklr.

  7. Case Evaluation: Every evaluation done by the quality manager will be sent to the agent for acknowledgement. The evaluations which are to be acknowledged will be shown in this widget for agents.

  8. Work Queues: This widget allows agents to view the work queues they are assigned to. Agents can add or remove themselves from these work queues directly within the widget by enabling or disabling checkboxes. However, agents require specific permissions to modify the widget; otherwise, it functions solely as a view for agents without permission. Additionally, validation ensures that agents are assigned to at least one work queue.

    Enablement note:

    To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.