Ad Creative Options in Ads Composer


In the Ads Composer, you can add multiple aspects of a Creative in order to quickly create multiple creative variations. You will no longer have to manually add in each variation of a Creative; instead, efficiently create all Creative variations in one seamless workflow.


We do not support adding Creative Variations in the Edit mode, i.e. in Ads Manager (Clone, Edit, etc.). You can only add Creative Variations in the creation mode.

Use of this feature requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

To Add Creative Variations in Ads Composer

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Follow the steps outlined in About the Ads Composer and proceed to the Creatives section.

  3. In the Creatives section, click Create new creative to create a new ad creative and provide the mandatory details for your creative.

  4. Click Add Another Entry below the text field(s) that supports multiple creative variations such as



     Name, etc. For more information on the supported entries, see Supported Variation Fields per Channel.

    This capability will automatically build creative variations based on the different entities you have entered.


    There is no limit to the number of creative variations you can create.

    Add another entry to build your creative variations

  5. You will see the number of creatives built by the number displayed in the Preview pane to the right. Every creative variation that is generated will be put within each Ad Set.
    View the number of creative variations created

  6. You can toggle between different creative previews. Each entry that is being displayed in the creative variation preview will be highlighted in yellow in the creative form.
    The preview of creative variations

Supported Variation Fields per Channel

Creative Types
Supported Variation Fields

Media, Slideshow, Collection Ad, and Carousel

Photo, Separate Instagram Image, Headline, Text, Title


Image, Status, Video

Photo, Text, Title, Video Description, Website URL


Pin, Video, Carousel

Photo, Title, Description


Top Snap, WebSite, App Install, Longform Video Snaps, Deep Link

Name, Brand Name, Headline, Title, Website URL


Link, Image, Text Ad, Message Ad

Text, Website URL, Headline, Call to Action


Image, Video

Product Title, Product Description


Image, Video



News Feed Image, Sale and Free Image

Business Name, Headline, Body Text, Offer Text, Price or Discount

While composing an Ad campaign from the Ads Composer, Sprinklr allows you to search and narrow down on specific Ad Sets within an ad campaign. Once you have filtered the Ad Sets based on the Ad Set attributes, you can individually apply creatives to the filtered Ad Sets. 

For example, if you want to apply the creative to a specific Ad Set with a target audience having a maximum age of 35, and residing in the United States of America, you can simply search for  34 United States and the Ad Sets will be filtered for you to choose and apply creatives individually. This helps you to sort the Ad Sets sooner and apply creatives rather than scrolling the entire set of Ad Sets included within an ad campaign. Configuring creatives individually for each Ad Set allows you to create a relevant ad with a higher consumption rate.

Use of this feature requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

To Search and Apply Creative for each Ad Set Individually

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Compose your ad campaign and navigate to the Creatives tab. For more information, see Ads Composer Overview.

  3. In the Creatives section, select a suitable creative and click Save at the bottom right corner.

  4. Under Selected Creatives, click Configure creatives for each Ad Set individually.

  5. To further filter the Ad Sets, in the Search Ad Set field, mention the keyword that is associated with the Ad Sets.

  6. Click on the listed Ad Sets and apply creatives individually by clicking Add another creative.

In Ads Composer, you can publish a post when the campaign starts. This will allow you to schedule and boost your content simultaneously if you are creating organic content from the Ads Composer.

To Publish Organic Posts on Campaign Start Date

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Create an Ad Campaign window, select your Ad Account.

  3. Enter the Campaign Details and follow the prompted steps. For more information, see About the Ads Composer.

  4. In the Creatives section, select Create new Creative. Fill in the creative details and check the box alongside Publish Post with Campaign. This post will now be scheduled for publishing at the campaign start time.


    This is not allowed if you are publishing the post as a Dark Post.

    Publish Post At Campaign Start Time

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner and follow the prompted steps to schedule and publish your campaign.