How to Configure Budgets in Ads Composer


While composing an Ad, in Addition to configuring the budget for each ad-sets individually within an Ads campaign, Sprinklr allows you to search the ad set based on the keyword associated with each ad set to narrow down on the specific ad sets within an Ad campaign. You can filter the Ad-sets, even if the keywords are not included within the ad-set name but are one of the Ad-set attributes. For example, if you want to apply the budget to specific ad sets with a target audience having a maximum age of 34, you can simply search for Max Age: 34, and the results will be filtered for you to choose and apply budget configuration individually.

This helps you to sort the ad sets sooner and apply budging rather than scrolling the entire set of ad sets included within an Ads Campaign.

Search and Configure Budgets for each Ad-sets Individually

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png  and select Ads Composer under the Campaign Creation within the Advertising Cloud.

  2. Compose your ad campaign and navigate to the Budget and Optimization tab. For more information, see Ads Composer Overview.

  3. Under Set Budget & Schedule for your Campaign and Ad Sets section, click Configure All Ad-sets Individually.

  4. To further filter the Ad-sets, in the Search Ad-Set field, mention the keyword that is associated with the Ad-sets.

  5. Click the listed Ad-sets and configure the budget individually.

Note: Once you have configured the budget for one of the filtered Ad-sets, you can click Copy values to all filtered Ad-sets to apply the budget configuration on all the filtered Ad-sets at once.
