Scheduling Options in Ads Composer


While composing an ad campaign, within the Budget and Scheduling tab, once you have filtered the asset based on a common keyword associated with the ad-set, you can choose to apply the budget configuration and Dayparting to all the ad sets together, rather than configuring it individually. 

Follow the same process for copying Dayparting details and copy details to all Ad Sets by clicking on Copy values to all Ad Sets.

Once you have clicked the Configure all Ad Sets individually, you can perform the Copy values to all Ad sets action in the following ways:

  • Filter the Ad sets using the search bar and then copy either Bid, Day Parting Fields or both by clicking on Copy values to all filtered Ad Sets but only for them.

  • Click one of the Ad sets and copy all the relevant values or choose to configure it individually.

To learn more about enabling this feature in your environment, please contact your Success Manager.

To Copy Bidding and Dayparting Details

  1. Click the New Tab icon  and select Ads Composer under Campaign Creation within the Advertising cloud.

  2. On the next screen, go to Budget & Schedule tab after completing the Campaign Details and Target Audience tabs.

  3. In the Budget & Schedule tab, select the option Configure all Ad Sets individually.
    Advertising_AdComposer_Budget_CopyBidand dayparting.PNG

  4. Select an Ad Set from the left-hand side panel and fill the Bidding and Dayparting details as required. 

  5. Now click Copy values to all Ad Sets to reflect the same values in all ad sets.

Note - You can also use both the functionalities separately as required.

  1. You can also search by Ad Set name in the search bar to filter by Ad Sets and then copy either Bid, Day Parting Fields or both by clicking Copy values to all filtered Ad Sets but only for them.

Advertising_AdComposer_Budget_CopyBidand dayparting_FilterAdSets.PNG

In Ads Composer, you can add Scheduled Posts into existing campaigns. Ad Variants associated with the scheduled post will be paused until the post goes live. Scheduled posts must go live in between the Campaign Start and End Date.

To Add Scheduled Posts into Existing Campaigns

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon . Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Create an Ad Campaign window, select Add to an Existing Campaign from the top dashboard bar. Select an existing campaign to add new Ad Sets/Ads in them.
    Add to existing Campaign

  3. Proceed to the Target Audience section and select/create your target audience.

  4. Next, proceed to the Creatives section.

  5. On the Select from Existing Creatives window, select your page from the Page drop-down menu.

  6. From the Filters container below the search bar, click Post Status and select Scheduled to filter out your scheduled posts.
    Select a scheduled post from Ads Composer

  7. Select your scheduled post and click Save.

  8. Proceed to the Review section to publish your campaign. To learn more, see About the Ads Composer.

  9. The Ad Variant(s) that are created will go into the Scheduled state and you can view them in Ads Manager.
    View the scheduled posts in Ads Manager