View Percentage Workflow Completion


With a visual representation of the Workflow Completion Percentage within the overview tab of the Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns, you can gain valuable insights on the number of completed tasks, the total number of tasks, and the current progress status of the workflow, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the campaign's overall progress and status.

To view percentage workflow completion of Campaigns

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing section, switch to Marketing tab and click Campaigns within Plan.

  2. On the Campaigns window, hover over the Options icon of the desired campaign.

  3. Select Open Campaign. You will be redirect to the Campaign Details window.

  4. Within the Overview tab, you can view the Percentage Workflow Completion of your campaign.

To view percentage workflow completion of Sub-Campaigns

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing section, switch to Marketing tab and click Campaigns within Plan.

  2. On the Campaigns window, hover over the Options icon of the desired campaign.

  3. Select Open Campaign. You will be redirect to the Campaign Details window.

  4. Within the Overview tab, scroll down to the Sub-Campaign section.

  5. Hover over the desired sub-campaign and click the Open Sub-Campaign icon.

  6. Within the Overview tab, you can view the Percentage Workflow Completion of your sub-campaign.

Overview Tab — Field Descriptions



Campaign/Sub-Campaign ID

View the campaign/sub-campaign's ID.

Start Date

View the campaign/sub-campaign's start date.

End Date

w the campaign/sub-campaign's end date.


View the campaign/sub-campaign's status.


View the user the campaign/sub-campaign is visible or shared to.


View the workspaces the campaign/sub-campaign is visible or shared to.

Percentage Workflow Completion

View the percentage for completion of your workflow.


View the events associated with the campaign/sub-campaign's.

Paid Initiatives

View the paid initiatives associated with the campaign/sub-campaign's.


View the custom properties associated with the campaign/sub-campaign.