Creative Library Autofill Rule Conditions & Actions


Leverage Creative Library Rules to automate filling out Custom Fields in Ads Creative Library.

Using the Creative Library Autofill Rules, advertisers can set certain rules on Ad Creatives before publishing them. This capability improves the Ad Creative configuration process through automation before they are published. Custom Fields can be pre-populated for Ad Creatives using these Rules, enabling advertisers to build their Creatives more Efficiently.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the Create New Rule window, provide the rule details and click Next. For more information, refer to the Create New Rule — Field Descriptions.

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and set the Conditions and Actions. For more information, see Paid Rule Conditions and Paid Rule Actions.

  5. On the Rule Builder window, select Add Condition to set up specific publishing scenarios that must be met for subsequent actions to execute. You can also chain multiple conditions together to refine the scenarios. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Conditions.

  6. To configure actions in a rule, select Add Action on a Yes or a No branch of a condition depending on when you want the action to be executed. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Actions.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Paid Pre Publishing Rule Option Descriptions

Field Name


Name and Description

Provide a name and an optional description for your new rule.

Rule Scope

Set the scope of your rule to Customer as Creative Library Autofill Rules work at the partner level.


Select Creative Library Autofill as the rule context to determine which type of asset the Rule will be executed upon.

Activation Date

This refers to the date when the rule is created.

Rule Execution Batch

Select a rule execution batch. Rule batches are used to categorize and organize rules to make them run in a particular sequence. Rule batches run in sequence from left to right; and within a rule batch, the rules run in sequence from top to bottom.

Rule Type

This will be set to Standard to ensure the rules trigger automatically as per rule configuration.




Properties of the Creative

Ad Account

The Ad Account used while building the Ad Creative

Post Account

The Page used used while building the Ad Creative

Channel Type

The Channel, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Conversion Type

The destination or conversion type of the ad, i.e. Website, Messenger, App


The objective for which the creative can be used, i.e. Traffic

Optimization Type

Indicates if any dynamic elements are used in the ad, i.e. Placement Asset Customization

Properties of the User (Custom Fields)

User Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for User, from which you can select individual values

Properties of the Account (Custom Fields)

Account Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for Account, from which you can select individual values

Properties of the Campaign (Custom Fields)

Campaign Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for Campaign, from which you can select individual values

Properties of the Sub Campaign (Custom Fields)

Sub-Campaign Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for Sub-Campaign, from which you can select individual values

Properties of the Asset (Custom Fields)

Media Asset Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for Media Asset, from which you can select individual values

Properties of the Post (Custom Fields)

Outbound Message Custom Fields

List of Customer level Custom Fields for Outbound Message, from which you can select individual values



Ad Creative Actions

Media Asset Custom Fields

Set individual values for a given Media Asset Custom Field

Outbound Message Custom Fields

Set individual values for a given Outbound Message Custom Field

Map User Custom Field Values to Asset

User Custom Fields

​Select a User Field and choose a corresponding Media Asset Field to map it to

Map User Custom Field Values to Post

User Custom Fields

​​Select a User Field and choose a corresponding Outbound Message Field to map it to

Map Account Custom Field Values to Asset

Account Custom Fields

​​Select an Account Field and choose a corresponding Media Asset Field to map it to

Map Account Custom Field Values to Post

Account Custom Fields

​​Select an Account Field and choose a corresponding Outbound Message Field to map it to

Map Campaign Custom Field Values to Asset

Campaign Custom Fields

​​Select a Campaign Field and choose a corresponding Media Asset Field to map it to

Map Campaign Custom Field Values to Post

Campaign Custom Fields

​​Select a Campaign Field and choose a corresponding Outbound Message to map it to

Map Sub-Campaign Custom Field Values to Asset

Sub-Campaign Custom Fields

​​Select a Sub-Campaign Field and choose a corresponding Media Asset Field to map it to

Map Sub-Campaign Custom Field Values to Post

Sub-Campaign Custom Fields

​​Select a Sub-Campaign Field and choose a corresponding Outbound Message Field to map it to

Map Asset Custom Field Values to Post

Media Asset Custom Fields

​​Select a Media Asset Field and choose a corresponding Outbound Message Field to map it to

Map Post Custom Field Values to Asset

Outbound Message Custom Fields

​Select an Outbound Message Field and choose a corresponding Media Asset Field to map it to

Note: When mapping field values from one asset type to another (i.e. Campaign to Outbound Message), it is recommended to have one Custom Field covering both asset types, rather than separate fields in each asset. This ensures that all values in the field will match exactly. If you use separate fields, and if any values are missing from / different in the field being mapped to, those values will not be applied.


The Paid Pre Publishing Rule is triggered at each of the following sections:

  • Selecting a Channel

  • Selecting an Ad Account

  • Filling out any Creative Details

  • Filling out any Custom Fields