Exploring Quality Management Persona


Setting up Quality Management Persona

Hyperspace Mode

Under Profile, enable Hyperspace. Under Sprinklr Service in the launchpad, click on Quality Manager Persona App.

Note: In case the Quality Manager app is inaccessible via the launchpad, Open All Settings, under Manage Customer -> Persona Apps Manager, search for Quality Manager App under Care Cloud Product Suite and share with the respective user/workspace.

Persona Mode

Follow the following steps to enable Persona Mode-

  1. Edit Profile and select Enable persona-app-based experience.

  2. Select Quality Manager under Persona App and Save.

  3. Refresh the entire page or URL.

Note: Disable Enable persona-app-based experience in Profile to use Classic Space Mode.

Quality Management Persona

Home Page

The home page is the first screen that is visible to the user after they log in. This is a standard homepage for the Quality Manager persona, which consists of widgets that give an overview of evaluation metrics.

Left Pane

The left pane provides navigation to the Home Page, Cases, Agent Insights and Reports Tab.


This features allows the universal search for the desired case, message, dashboard, profile, etc. across platform data.


The Cases Tab displays all the cases present in the platform.

Agent Insights

The Agent Insights tab provides insights on agents performance across teams.


The reporting dashboards shared with the Quality Manager persona is viewed here. The widgets are customizable and can be modified. Drilldown feature is available for the widgets to get further details. Both dashboard and widget-level filters can be applied by clicking on the filter icons.

Select the Export as Excel option on the top to export the dashboard data.

Third Party Integrations

If you're utilizing an existing third-party application to store voice conversations and you are also importing that data into Sprinklr for analysis, you have the option to embed Quality Management dashboards using an iframe directly into your existing application interface. This integration makes it easier for you to analyze, manage, and act upon insights derived from voice conversations. This means you can seamlessly navigate between your application and Sprinklr's analytics dashboards without the need for separate logins or interfaces.