Reporting Dashboard Manager to Manage All Your Dashboards


Learn how you can manage all your dashboards from one place using Dashboard Manager.

The Dashboard Manager within Social is a one-stop solution for managing all your Reporting dashboards with ease. Besides managing, you can take appropriate action on one or multiple dashboards all in one place. View all your dashboards (custom and shared ones) at a glance, group dashboards by tags, type, or owner, monitor your shareable links' status, and perform actions like delete, edit, clone, and share on multiple dashboards simultaneously.

To Manage Permissions for Dashboard Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, click Manage Workspace from the left pane and select Workspace Roles from the right pane.

  3. On the Workspace Roles (Settings) window, click Create Role in the top right corner.

  4. On the Add Role popup window, fill in the role details. For more information, see Dashboard Manager — Roles & Permissions.

    To enable Dashboard Manager, select the Dashboard Manager View box under  Settings within the Conversations tab.

  5. Then select the user(s) and/or user group(s) to assign the role. 
    Selecting the user(s) and/or user group(s) to assign the role

  6. Click Save in the bottom right corner to define roles and permissions for the users.

Dashboard Manager — Roles & Permissions

Role Name

Enter a unique name to identify the Role.


Enter an optional description for the Role.

Select Permissions

Select the individual permissions for the Role.

Users to Assign this Role to

Select individual user(s) who will be provisioned with the Role and its associated permissions.

User Groups to Assign this Role to

Select the user group(s) who will be provisioned with the Role and its associated permissions.


Permissioning user groups can be a great way to quickly assign multiple users on your team to a Role. When a user is added or removed to/from a group, that user will automatically have the permissions assigned to the group without the need to individually assign a role to the user. 

To Access Dashboard Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click All Settings.

  2. On the Settings window, click Dashboard Manager.
    Accessing Dashboard Manager from Listening Settings

  3. This will open the Dashboard Manager where you will see all your dashboards along with their associated Topics, Folder, Tags, and other information like Shared With, Owner, Modified Time, External Sharing Status, and External Link Share Expiry.
    Dashboard Manager overview

Actions You Can Take in Dashboard Manager

Now let's find out the actions you can take from the Dashboard Manager itself. 


In the Dashboard Manager, you'll be able to manage your own custom dashboards or the custom dashboards that have been shared with you.

Add New Dashboard

  1. On the Dashboard Manager window, click Add Dashboard in the top right corner.

  2. On the Create Dashboard popup window, fill in the required details. For detailed information, see Create Dashboard — Fields & Descriptions.
    Adding new dashboard from the Listening Dashboard Manager

  3. Click Create in the bottom right corner.

Edit, Clone, Share, and/or Delete Dashboard

On the Dashboard Manager window, hover over the Options Modern Research Options icon icon next to a dashboard and select the option as desired:
Clicking the Options icon next to a dashboard on the Dashboard Manager

  1. Edit: Clicking this will open the Edit Dashboard popup window where you can edit the dashboard.
    Editing an existing dashboard from the Dashboard Manager

  2. Clone: Clicking this will open the Clone Dashboard popup window where you can name the duplicate dashboard. Although the name "Copy of YourDashboardName" is given by default, you can change it as desired.
    Cloning the dashboard from the Dashboard Manager

  3. Share: Clicking this will open the Share Dashboard popup window where you can define the sharing details for the dashboard, such as:
    Sharing the dashboard from the Dashboard Manager

    • For Visible in, select workspace or workspace groups from the drop-down menu. It is important for dashboards to first be visible in Workspaces, then give permissions. 

    • For Edit Permissions, select workspace, user groups, users, or roles from the drop-down menu. These users can edit or delete a dashboard, add widgets, and change filter configurations.

    • For View Permissions, select workspace, user groups, users, or roles from the drop-down menu. These users can change filter values, export the dashboard, or invite other users as viewers.

  4. Delete: Clicking this will open the Delete Dashboard popup window. You can delete your dashboard. Remember, you cannot undo this action.
    Deleting the dashboard from the Dashboard Manager

Export Dashboard Manager

You can also export the Dashboard Manager into an Excel spreadsheet by simply clicking the Export icon Modern Research Export icon in the top right corner. This will export your dashboard manager into an Excel spreadsheet, and it will be downloaded automatically to your system. Note: The Dashboard Manager export file will have the Shared With column so you can see with whom the dashboards have been shared.

Exporting the Dashboard Manager into an Excel file

Group By Dashboard Manager

You can group the dashboards by Tags (which are applied upon dashboard creation and can be changed by selecting Edit on a custom dashboard), Owner, or Dashboard Type (this is the default grouping that separates dashboards into your dashboards and dashboards shared with you). You can also select Ungroup to remove any current grouping.

  1. On the Dashboard Manager window, click the Group By icon Modern Research Group By icon in the top right corner of the section bar.Group By Dashboard Manager

  2. On the Group By pop-up window, select the desired dimension. The following dimensions are available:

    • Dashboard Type

    • Owner

    • Tags

    • Ungroup


      Grouping cannot be done on more than 1 dimension.

  3. Click Group in the bottom right corner of the Group By pop-up window.

  4. If you wish to remove the existing Group By dimensions from the Dashboard Manager, click Reset in the bottom left corner of the Group By pop-up window.

Search Specific Dashboard

Sprinklr provides you with the ability to search for a dashboard using the search bar of the Dashboard Manager. Enter the keyword that matches your dashboard name, and this will search all the dashboards that match the entered keyword. The search option is useful when you have thousands of dashboards, and you want to take action against a specific dashboard.

  1. On the Dashboard Manager window, click the Search icon Modern Research Search icon in the top right corner of the section bar.
    Searching for the dashboards on Dashboard Manager

  2. Enter the Dashboard Name or Tags to search for the Dashboard within the Dashboard Manager.

Apply Filters to Dashboard Manager

You can filter your searched dashboard and narrow your search to the relevant dashboards.


If the user has Config Admin permissions and the Client filter is used, only dashboards that are directly shared with the user will be shown in the results, whereas the filter totals will show a total number of dashboards for each customer.

  1. On the Dashboard Manager window, Click the Filters icon Modern Research Filter icon in the top right corner of the section bar.

  2. Select the filter values to filter content. You can also search for your desired filter if it is not already an available option in the Search bar above.
    Filtering the Dashboard Manager

Refresh Dashboard Manager

To refresh the Dashboard Manager, simply click the Refresh icon Modern Research Refresh icon in the top right corner of the section bar. Refreshing the Dashboard Manager would bring up the most recent and updated Dashboards.

Monitor External Shareable Links

You can manage your external shareable links from the Dashboard Manager. The two columns External Sharing Status and External Link Share Expiry in the dashboard manager will help you identify which dashboards have external links and by when those links will be expired. 

  • External Sharing Status: In this column, you can check the external sharing status of the dashboard, i.e. either Active or Inactive.

  • External Link Share Expiry: In this column, you can check the expiry date, i.e. by which date the external shareable link will be expired.

Listening – Ability to Manage External Shareable Links from Dashboard Manager

You can easily track the shareability of reports by looking at the sharing status, and updating the expiry details for the dashboards before they become inaccessible.

Create Dashboard — Fields & Descriptions

Dashboard Name

Enter the desired name for reporting dashboard.


Select a desired folder from the drop-down menu.

Starter Dashboard

Select the desired starter dashboard from the drop-down menu. It's a type of dashboard to start from.


Enter the desired tags for your dashboard.


Check the box to auto-refresh the dashboard.

Auto-Refresh Interval

Select the auto-refresh interval from the drop-down menu.