About the Google Analytics Ads Integration


Google Analytics Integration allows you to track key Google Analytics metrics and apply custom campaign parameters that can help you improve your marketing and campaign performance across different channels. In addition, this integration lets you analyze customer journeys and behavior in various segments and build comprehensive reporting based on each customer interaction.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that allows you to see which ads are driving traffic to your website and use the data to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Integrating Google Analytics within Sprinklr streamlines the process of appending tracking codes and analyzing the data tracked by Google Analytics.

Google Analytics hierarchy




In Google Analytics, an account is the topmost level of the hierarchy and the access point to Analytics.


A property is a website, mobile application, or device which you add under an analytics account from which you want to collect data. An account can contain one or more properties. When you add a property to an account, Analytics generates the tracking code that you use to collect data from that property. The tracking code contains a unique ID that identifies the data from that property and makes it easily identifiable in your reports.


A view is your access point for reports; a defined view of data from a property. You give users access to a view so they can see the reports based on that view's data. A property can contain one or more views. When you add a property to an account, Analytics creates the first view for that property, and additional views can be created by applying filters to the existing views. The reports for that view will show data from the creation date of the view forward.


Enablement note:

  • To learn more about enabling this feature in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

  • Once Google Analytics is integrated into Sprinklr, the data will automatically be fetched within ~2 hours (Sprinklr fetches 13 months of data at once).