About User Generated Content


User Generated Content (also known as UGC) in Sprinklr allows you to curate and re-purpose content from your fans that can be republished by your brand.

UGC is comprised of messages and media content sourced from your audience. Users on your team can suggest content to UGC, creating a new UGC asset for which you can request approval to use from the content's author. In this article, you will be learning about navigating to User Generated Content (UGC), its Overview , and its various features.


Channels supported by User Generated Content:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram (make sure you use Listening as a source)

Note: Enablement of this capability requires additional setup. Get in touch with your Success Manager for details.

Note: Sprinklr's UGC Process is fully GDPR Compliant.

To Navigate to User Generated Content

Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click User Generated Content within Produce.

UGC Overview

Below, we will review the options you will find when you navigate to UGC.



Dashboard Menu Icon

Search through personal/shared boards.

UGC Source Selector

Select from Listening Insights, Firehose, or Public Search to change the source of UGC when you search for content.

Search Query

Enter search terms to discover UGC.

Features of User Generated Content

To get familiar with User Generated Content, go through:

Suggest and Request Approval for User Generated Content 

If any user publishes a post with content, or with both content and media asset on your social media channel account, then you can suggest the media asset to User Generated Content (UGC) or request for approval from within the Sprinklr. For more information, see Suggest and Request Approval for User Generated Content .

UGC Assets 

Each social media asset that is suggested to UGC is listed as a UGC Asset. Based on their system status, you can perform additional actions. UGC Asset options are actions that are available for the individual. For more information, see UGC Assets .

Create and Manage User Generated Content Boards 

Each added asset can be tracked by their status assigned by the Sprinklr platform. Once an asset is newly added to the UGC, the system automatically assigns a Request Approval status. If you want to perform any further action on that image, then you can use the UGC feature to request the account owner's permission. For more information, see Create and Manage User Generated Content Boards .

UGC Request Template

Request Template helps you to customize your request Approval page that is sent to the asset account owner. The Request Approval page is sent as a link, which has the permission request for you to share the user content based on the user's approval. For more information, see UGC Request Template .

UGC Rule

UGC Rules apply to user-generated content or their associated profiles when UGC is brought into the Sprinklr platform. Rules for UGC allow you to automate your UGC workflows and create efficiencies that save time and ensure uniformity in the way that UGC is tagged, assigned, and routed. For more information, see UGC Rules .