Ads Manager Pivot Navigation & Actions Available



This article will cover all the various actions available in ads manager pivot and their descriptions. 

Actions in Ads Manager pivot

There are a number of actions you can take to view and manage information within the Pivot Table. In the overview image and table below, you will find descriptions for each of these actions. 

Pivot Manager Actions






Click the Favorite icon to mark this pivot table as a Favorite. You can then access it from the launchpad or within Favorite Pivots in Action 2.


Access Pivot Dashboards

​Click the Drop-down icon to view and access the following groups of your pivot tables

  • Recent Pivots

  • Favorite Pivots

  • Shared Pivots

  • Standard Pivots

  • My Pivots

You can also click Add New in the bottom-right corner to create a new pivot table.



​This will appear only when you have made modifications to your pivot table. Any changes (filter, dimension, metric, date range, column width configuration) made will display this option.

You can click Update to save the changes made to the pivot table. Anyone having access to the original table can view the changes.

Click the drop-down alongside to take the following actions based on your use case:

Save as new

Click to save the pivot table as a new table and not make changes to the original table. This is useful when you don't want to make global changes to the pivot table and keep it only for your view.

On the Create Pivot Table pop-up window, enter a name for your table and click Save in the bottom-right corner.


Click to revert back to the original table, i.e. discard the changes made to the pivot table.


​Account Currency

​Select an account currency filter to filter your metrics. Currency conversions only work for metrics and not for dimensions.


​Switch Views

​Switch between comfortable or compact views to increase the view area for data analysis.


​Apply Filters

Simple Filters

Click the Filter icon in the top-right corner to expand or collapse the filter container and apply filters to your Pivot Manager window.

The filter will only show dimensions that are compatible with the dimensions selected in the creation of the pivot table.

  • If any cell is selected, then the filter gets applied to the value of the cell. If a row is selected, then the filter gets applied to the value of the first column.

  • You can also click Save in the far right to save the filter as a Quick Filter.

  • You can edit, delete, or rename the existing quick filters by clicking Manage Quick Filters within the Quick Filters drop-down.

For more information, see Apply Filters (use this guide as a reference only).

Advanced Filters

You can apply one or more advanced filters across All Levels or one specific level within a pivot table and all its corresponding child levels.

Hover over the Downward Arrow icon (see Action 14) in the top-right corner of any pivot level and click Filter.

  • You will have a fourth field within the advanced filters depicting the following:

    • All Level - Apply the filter from the top to the bottom level of the Pivot Table.

    • Individual Levels (Level 1 - Level N) - Apply the filter at particular levels of the Pivot Table. You can switch between these levels.

  • The Select Dimension/Metric field of your advanced filters will be auto-filled with the primary dimension/metric of the level at which the filter is being applied.



Click to manually refresh the Pivot Manager window.



Click to take a basic spreadsheet export of your Pivot Table. You can select up to which level you would like to take an export from the Pivot Table. These levels will become columns in your export sheet.

Enter a Name for your export file and select the level of the pivot table up to which you want to export from the Level drop-down menu. Click Export to generate the export file.


  • You will not be able to schedule an export of the Pivot Table. 

  • While performing an export, only the All Level advanced filter option will be applicable. Any filter that is applied at a particular level will be disregarded in the export.


Additional Options

Click the Options icons and select from the following actions you can further take on your pivot table:

Create New Pivot

Click to create a new pivot. For more information, see Create a Pivot Table.

Clone Pivot

Click to make a clone of your pivot table. This will clone the table in one click and display the cloned pivot table along with the table name prefixed with Clone of.

Delete Pivot

Click to delete the pivot table. This will permanently delete the table and you cannot undo the action.

Share Pivot

Click to share the pivot table with Users/User Groups and Workspaces. You can also select Visible in all workspaces to make it globally visible.

Once the view is saved and shared with all with the view access, the URL can be shared.

  • In the Modified view, only the modifier can view the report and cannot share the URL.

  • Only the saved views will be shareable (by default the last saved view will be shared).

Click Share in the bottom-right corner of the Share Dashboard window.


Minimize Header

Click to minimize the Pivot Table header section for more data visibility.


Date Duration Picker

Set a predefined or custom range by clicking Date Duration Picker and selecting the desired range. You will see a Range Menu on the left of the pop-up window to either select a predefined range or custom range.

By default, it will be set to the last 30 days. To learn more, see Duration Picker (use this guide as a reference only).

Enablement note:

  • You can have This Week and Last Week date range selection filters begin from the first day of the week, i.e. Monday, and end on Sunday for your pivot tables.

  • To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.



Click to edit the Pivot dimensions and metrics selected in the pivot table. This will open the Pivot Creation pane to the right. 

Edited pivot configurations will store data against your User ID, Workspace ID, and Partner ID. So, if you open the same pivot in another user, workspace, or partner, the changes will not be reflected. Only when you come back to the same user, workspace, and partner, your changes will come back.

Click Edit Pivot in the bottom-right corner once you have made the changes.


Hide Measurements

Click the Hide Measurements icon to hide the Metrics part of the pivot table in one click for a full-screen view of the Dimensions pivot table.


Sort/Apply Filter

Click to sort the pivot table columns in Ascending or Descending order.

  • Sorting a parent-level entity will automatically sort its child-level entities. You will still be able to manually change the sorting order for different entity levels. 

  • Sorting is available on all metrics but is limited for dimensions. Dimensions like Countries cannot be sorted.

You can also click the Filter icon on some levels and apply filters.


Bulk Select

Click to select all the rows in your pivot table view in bulk and take the below actions. Bulk actions will only be allowed if either Campaign Name/ID, Ad Set Name/ID, or Ad Name/ID is present in the levels.



Hover and select from the following:

  • View & Edit - To open the View and Edit pane where you can make changes to your ad entities.

  • View & Edit Strategy Group - To open the Strategy Group configuration pane within the Pivot window and make changes to the optimization features.

  • View on Channel - This will redirect you to the respective social channel where you can have a preview of the Ad. Note that this is only available at the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad level and you will need to have the relevant page access in order to leverage this capability.


  • For viewing and editing ad entities, you will need the
    Ads Manager permissions

  • The View and Edit capability will only be enabled when either Campaign Name/ID (or) Ad Set Name/ID (or) Ad Variant Name/ID is present.

  • On clicking Review Changes in the bottom-right corner, you will not have the option to save your changes as a draft. You can either save and apply the changes or discard the changes made to the ad entities.


Bulk Options (Edit pane)

Access your bulk actions from the Edit pane at the bottom.

Rows Selected

This denotes the number of rows selected in bulk. Clicking this will deselect the rows.

Add to Compose

Click to add the ad entities to your selection to compose a campaign out of it. For more information, see Compose Campaigns from Pivot Table.

Note that this option will only be enabled for Ad Sets and Ad Variants.

View & Edit

Click to open the View and Edit pane where you can make changes to your ad entities.

Update Status

Hover over to select a status for your ad entities.


Click to apply Macros to your ad entities in bulk.


Click to Clone the ad entities selected in bulk.

Filter from selection

Click to filter the columns in bulk. This will automatically filter out the selection as a separate view. This option will be disabled if the selected row/cell doesn't have any filterable column.

You can easily remove them by clicking the Cross icon alongside each filter or the Close icon to the far-right of the Filter section.

Exclude from selection

Click to exclude the selections from the view. This option will be disabled if the selected row/cell doesn't have any filterable column.

Copy Links

Click to copy the link of the ad entities in case you would like to share it with your team.

Copy Texts

Click to copy the text of the selected cell to your clipboard. You can then paste the copied text anywhere you want. Note that this is only supported for single-cell actions and not for bulk.