Ads Pixel Overview


What is an Ad Pixel?

A pixel is a small piece of code that places a blank 1x1 pixel image on your website & allows website owners to track user behavior on their website. The pixel is placed on the website and is triggered when a user performs a specific action. The pixel can then send data back to the website owner about the user's behavior, such as which pages they visited, how long they stayed on the site, and whether they made a purchase.

Use Cases of Tracking Pixels

  • Pixels are commonly used in digital marketing and advertising to track the effectiveness of ad campaigns.

  • By placing a pixel on their website, businesses can track how many people clicked on an ad and how many of those clicks led to a sale.

  • Pixels are also used for retargeting, which is the process of showing ads to people who have already visited a website.

  • Helps to identify users who showed interest in their products or services but didn't make a purchase. They can then target those users with ads that encourage them to return to the website and complete their purchase.

Types of Pixels

There are several different types of pixels, including:

  • Standard Pixels: These are the most basic type of pixel and are used to track page views and user behavior.

  • Conversion Pixels: These are used to track specific actions, such as purchases or form submissions.

  • Retargeting Pixels: These are used to track users who have already visited a website and show them targeted ads.