Auto Boost Rule Conditions & Actions


Leverage auto boost rules in Rule Engine to automatically boost your organic posts and enhance their performance.

Sprinklr allows you to automate boosting an organic post for your social media channels using Auto Boost Rules in Rule Engine. By configuring rules for automatically boosting a post, you can amplify the top-performing organic posts without the need to constantly monitor the posts' performances. As soon as the post reaches a certain performance threshold, the auto boost rules will create several ads under the respective ad sets and Paid Initiatives to provide maximum engagement with the target audience.

The Auto Boost Rule conditions support both dimensions and metrics to cater to different use cases for different kinds of users.

Value Proposition




Media Planner & Practitioner

Need to manually identify organic posts that meet the criteria for boosting.

Automate the process of identifying organic posts that meet the boost criteria and boost them manually.

Errors in comparing post-performance.

Reduce the chances of error in comparing post performance and achieve consistency across agencies.

Manually boosting posts.

Automate boosting of posts that meet criteria across markets.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your rule. 

  4. Select Customer from the Rule Scope drop-down menu and Auto Boost from the Context drop-down menu. 

  5. Enter the other details as required and click Next in the bottom-right corner.

  6. On the Rule Builder window, click the icon and set the Conditions and Actions for configuring Auto Boost Rules. For more information, see Auto Boost Rule Conditions — Descriptions.


    If you miss a mandatory rule action for your Auto Boost Rule, the rule won't run, but you will not receive an error message either.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Auto Boost Rule Conditions, Actions & other Information


Enter a name for the Condition

Control properties of Post

Set the condition based on the following properties of a post:

  • Account

  • Published Date

  • Sprinklr Campaign

  • Text

  • Comment Count

  • Likes

  • Reach

  • Facebook Paid Reach

  • Facebook Organic Reach

  • Shares

  • Facebook Engagement Rate

  • Instagram Engagement Rate

  • LinkedIn Engagement Rate

  • X Engagement Rate

  • Instagram Video Views

  • Facebook Video Views

  • Facebook Viral Impressions

  • Instagram Engagements

  • Instagram Impressions

  • Filter out dark posts

  • Filter out already boosted posts

  • Duration Live

  • Post Type

    • Facebook Video Post

    • Facebook Link Post

    • Facebook Carousel Post

    • Instagram Image Post

    • Instagram Video Post

    • Instagram Carousel Post

    • X Image Tweet

    • X Video Tweet

    • X Status Tweet

    • Pinterest Pin

    • Pinterest Video

    • Pinterest Carousel

    • LinkedIn Link Post

    • LinkedIn Image Post

    • LinkedIn Video Post

    • LinkedIn Carousel Post

Outbound Custom Metrics of Post

Set the condition based on the list of outbound custom metrics of the post.

Weather Properties of the City being Targeted

Set the condition based on the following weather properties:

  • City

  • Max Temperature (C)

  • Min Temperature (C)

  • Snowfall (in cm)

  • Max Humidity (%)

  • Min Humidity (%)

  • Precipitation (in mm)

To learn more on Weather Properties, see Use Weather Conditions in Paid and Auto Boost Rules.

Count of Comments on the Post

  • Count of Positive Comments

  • Count of Neutral Comments

  • Count of Negative Comments

Conditions Applicable to Time

  • Hour of the Day for Timezone (> / <) (1 - 24)

  • Day of the Week (IS) (Mon - Sun)

  • Timezone (IS) (list of Timezones)

  • Date (≥ / > / = / < / ≤) (calendar selector)


Enter a name for the Action

Create ad

Set the action based on the following properties to create an ad:

  • Ad Account for Ad

    • Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and Ad Set

      • Paid Initiative

      • Ad Set

      • Naming Convention

      • Ad Duration Live (In Days)

      • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

      • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

      • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

      • Tracking Pixel

      • Instagram Handle

      • X Placements

    • Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and New Ad Set

      • Paid Initiative

        • Ad Objective (LinkedIn Business Account)

      • Target Audience

      • Ad Set Duration (in days)

      • Lifetime Budget (Ad Set)

      • More Actions

        • Bid Amount (Ad Set)

        • Optimization Goal (Select Objective - applicable for Facebook only)

        • Charge By (Select Optimization Goal for values)

        • Facebook Ad URL Tags

        • Naming Convention

        • Approval Path

        • Approval User

        • Set Ad Set Custom Property

        • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Tracking Pixel

        • Instagram Handle

        • Facbeook Device Platform (Mobile, Desktop, All)

        • Facebook Platform Positions

    • Create Ad with New Paid Initiative

      • Ad Objective

      • Target Audience

      • Ad Set Duration (in days)

      • Lifetime Budget (Ad Set)

      • More Actions

        • Budget Source

        • Strategy Group

        • Bid Amount (Ad Set)

        • Optimization Goal (Select Objective - applicable for Facebook only)

        • Charge By (Select Optimization Goal for values)

        • Facebook Ad URL Tags

        • Naming Convention

        • Approval Path

        • Approval User

        • Set Paid Initiative Custom Property

        • Set Ad Set Custom Property

        • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Tracking Pixel

        • Instagram Handle

        • Facebook Destination Type (Desinations available depend on the Objective)

        • Facbeook Device Platform (Mobile, Desktop, All)

        • Facebook Platform Positions

        • X Placement

Note: For the Strategy Group action in your Auto Boost rule, you will not be able to select Strategy Groups having Pacing Control and Budget Source optimizations together.

Send Notification
Set the action based on the following notification attributes for the Auto Boost Rules:
  • Send Email Notification
    • Email Subject

Control Outbound Custom Properties

Select from the list of outbound custom properties.

Control Ad Variant Custom Properties

Select from the list of ad variant custom properties.

Control Mapping of Entities

Use the "Set if absent" operator for the following actions:

  • Map Ad Account Custom Field Values to Paid Initiative

  • Map Paid Initiative Custom Field Values to Ad Set

  • Map Ad Set Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Map Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Post

  • Map Media Asset Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Supported channels and ad objectives:

  • Facebook and Instagram - Awareness (New Objective), Traffic (New Objective), Engagement (New Objective)

  • X - Video Views, Traffic, App Re-engagements, Engagements, Reach

  • Pinterest - Consideration

  • LinkedIn - Website Visit, Brand Awareness, Engagement

  • TikTok - Video Views, Reach, Community Interactions, Traffic


  • For Tiktok, Only authorised posts will be fetched. Please check this article under pre-prequisites for steps to authorise posts

  • To access the Rule Engine and to create or edit Rule configurations, you must first be assigned to a Role with the respective Rule Engine permissions. To learn more, refer to Roles and Permissions.

  • You must have an organic engagement rate to use as a benchmark

  • Auto Boost rules only work on outbound posts published in the last 30 days. However, you can increase the lookback window to a maximum of 60 days.

Custom Fields

You can create custom fields that can be used in auto boost rules to create a specific use case for your posts.

For example, if you have the criteria for boosting different posts in different regions, a custom field can be created for Region within which all ad accounts for a specific region can be clubbed. Then, a pre-condition custom field Region can be used to detect the region and decide the criteria accordingly.

Note: the standard environment set up contains a Custom Field called "Eligible for Auto Boosting / Paid Rules?" for exactly this purpose. It has values

  • No

  • Run if Hot

  • Run if Cold

  • Run if Raining

  • Run if Snowing

  • Performance

  • Sentiment

  • Already Boosted

Which can be applied to Outbound Posts so that they can be picked up by or excluded from Auto Boost Rules under various types of conditions. (This field can also be used on Paid Initiatives for filtering in Paid Rules)

Properties of Outbound Posts

You can apply conditions to outbound posts' properties to decide whether to boost a post or not.

For example, boost a post only if it is live for more than 5 days

Custom Metrics

You can create custom metrics to be used in auto boost rules as conditions to create a measure of the organic performance of your posts.

For example, boosting of posts if the Engagement Rate (engagements/impressions) is greater than a certain value. A custom metric CTR can be created and used as a condition of your auto boost rule

Email Notifications

In order to keep a track of the impact of a rule for the actions taken via auto-boost rules, you can schedule email notifications and also customize the subject of the email.

Note: You can view the post in Sprinklr using the Click here to view Post in Sprinklr option in the email notifications.

Weather Properties

You can select conditions based on the weather properties of the city being targeted to decide whether to boost a post or not according to the weather of a particular region.

For example, boost a cold drink ad only if the temperature rises above a certain level.

Approval Path

If you wish to auto boost posts based on specific criteria only after certain approvals, you can achieve this via the rule shown in the screenshot below.

This rule basically checks if the post has exceeded 1000 impressions and then converts the post into an ad along with an added approval path. This will create the ad but will remain unpublished until it is approved.


Yes. You can map post custom field values to ad variant in auto boost rules, ensuring that the ad variant will have the correct name after the rule executes, irrespective of being part of the Outbound Post properties.

Yes. Auto boost rule can be implemented for new Facebook Ad Objectives.

Within auto boost rules, on selecting an existing PI and new ad set, Ad sets with the below configuration will be created:

Post Type


Destination Type

Optimization Goals

Image/ Carousel

Awareness (New Objective)




Awareness (New Objective)



Image/ Video/ Carousel

Traffic (New Objective)


Link Clicks

Image/ Carousel

Engagement (New Objective)

Post engagement (Engagement type)



Engagement (New Objective)

Video views (Engagement type)


Note: For new ad objectives other than the ones in the table, auto-boost rules with existing paid initiatives will not be supported.

The posts need to be live.

While creating an Auto Boost rule, you can provide a condition on Account and select the Instagram handle. Once the rule is triggered, it will boost the post from that Instagram handle.


You can check if the post has an Instagram handle selected from the ad preview (in Ads Manager or Ads Composer) by selecting an Instagram placement.