How to Setup Ad Entity Checklists for Approvals


Eliminate the risk of off-brand advertising with a task-based QA Checklist. 

In Sprinklr, users have to create approval queues while sending their ad campaigns for approval. They have to work with predefined rules and checklists for ad campaigns in Sprinklr for all types of Ads. This limits them from getting approvals on specific parts of the Ad Campaign, increasing the risk of off-brand advertising. Ads Entity checklist helps solve this problem. You can also define the list of checks commonly followed and save them as a template. 

Value Proposition 



Use Case / Value 

Ads Media Manager 

It is hard for media managers to define new guidelines for every ad before they get approved for publishing. 

  • Media managers can define their own checklist of parameters they want to use for approvals. 

  • Users can define the list of checks commonly followed and save them as a template. Checks can be edited on the flow for any specific campaign 

Ads Approver 

Ads approvers find it hard to ensure ads comply with the defined guidelines before getting approved for publishing. 

  • It will be easier to define guidelines for the ads and ensure that they comply with those guidelines. 


How to Create an Ad Entity Checklist 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Workflow Engine within Produce. 

  2. In the top right corner of the Workflow Engine window, click Create Workflow


3. On the Create New Workflow window, provide basic details such as name and entity to apply the workflow on. You can select among Paid Initiative, Ad Set and Ad Variant levels.


4. You can set if you want to show future tasks after a task is approved or all the tasks are approved at once by clicking on Show future tasks as available at the bottom of Create new workflow window.

5. Once done, click on Create.


6. On the workflow canvas, click on the Plus icon.

7. Select user task from the drop-down menu to create a new item on the checklist. The number of user tasks you create will be the number of items on your checklist.

8. When you click on User Task, a new Add User Task form will open.

9. Fill in all the necessary details in this form and click on Save.

Note: For more information, check: Add User Task - filed descriptions.


10. Create as many tasks as you want entities on your checklist. Once you have added all the tasks, select End from the dropdown menu. This will end the list. 

11. After ending the list, click on Save and Deploy

To Initiate the Checklist Workflow on an entity from the Ads Composer 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute

  2. On the Create new Paid Initiative window, select your Ad Account. 

  3. On the campaign creation screen, click on the Manage Workflow button on the top right side of the screen. 


4. On the Manage Workflow window, select the workflows you create at different ad levels and click on Apply


Note: These workflows will not be triggered if the ad campaign is saved as draft. One must need to publish it in the Ads Manager for the selected workflow to be triggered.

To Initiate the Checklist Workflow on an entity from the Ads Manager 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyse

  2. On the Ads Manager window, navigate to the Paid Initiative to which you want to apply the workflow. 

  3. Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired ad entity to view the available actions. Select Initiate Workflow from the actions drop down menu. 

Note: Depending upon which section of the Ads Manager you are in, you will see different workflows corresponding to different ad levels in the Manage Workflow window.


  1. Select the workflow you want to trigger from the drop-down menu and click on Apply

  2. When you click on View and Edit and navigate to the Tasks section, you will see your created task. The users who have been assigned the task will be able to update the status of the task. They can choose from the following statuses - Approved, Available, Future, In-Progress, and Rejected. If the ad is rejected, then the approver can also add comments in the collaboration tab about what needs to be changed. 

  3. To check the status of your task on an entity, you can check the Workflow Status column in the Ads Manager. 

Note: If any of the entities in your workflow get rejected, then the workflow status of your ad entity will automatically become rejected. For any other approval status than approved, the workflow status of the identity will be in-progress.   

To Initiate the Checklist Workflow on a draft entity from the Ads Manager 

You can also trigger an ad entity checklist on a draft entity in the Ads Manager. To do this, follow the steps given below: 

  1. Navigate to the Ads Manager. Add a filter called Paid Initiative Status and select In Workflow from the options on the right. 

  2. Triggering a workflow on a draft entity changes the status of that entity to In Workflow and you can see the approval status for this entity in the Workflow Status column. 

  3. If you want to see which workflow has been triggered on an ad entity then, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired ad entity to view the available actions. Select Initiate Workflow from the actions drop down menu. 

  4. On the Manage Workflow window you can see which workflow has been triggered on that entity. You can stop this workflow by clicking the Stop button next to the workflow name. You can also trigger a new workflow on this entity by selecting a paid initiative workflow under Initiate New Workflow

  5. The new tasks will be added below the already existing tasks on the task pane in the View and Edit window. 

To Automate the triggering a Workflow on an entity in the Rule Engine 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Platform Modules, click Rule Engine within Collaborate

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule

  3. On the New Rule window, provide a name and an optional description for your new rule. 

  4. Set the Rule Scope to Customer and select Paid under context. 

  5. On the Rule Builder window, create a condition to trigger the workflow. 

  6. In actions, under Control the Approval/Workflow properties of the Entities, select from the following options: 

  7. Initiate Workflow for Ad Set 

  8. Initiate Workflow for Ad variant 

  9. Initiate Workflow for Paid Initiative 

  10. Set the remaining properties of actions as per your requirements and click on Save

  11. Whenever you will publish an entity and update its status from draft to active, this rule will be trigger and the approval workflow will run on that ad. 

Add User Task with Field Description



Task Name 

Enter a name for your task.  


Enter a description for your task.  

Task Type 

Select a Task Type for your task. This will be the entity level you select on the create new workflow.  

Assigned To 

Select the user to whom this task will be assigned and who will be responsible for approving this task. You can select from the following options: 

  • Selected User 

  • User Defined in Custom Field 

  • External User 

Add task in team queues 

Select a team of members from the dropdown who would approve the tasks.  

Task Due 

This is the provided duration from the date of creation of task to approve the entity.  

Note: You can click on Weekdays Only (Monday - Friday), to exclude weekdays from the task due duration or you can select specific days that should be included in the duration.  

Users/User Groups 

Select the users/user groups who will be able to see these tasks.