Introduction to Paid Pre Publishing Rules


Leverage pre-publishing rules to secure your outbound publishing and automate your tasks.

Using the Pre-Publishing rules, advertisers can set certain rules on the posts/campaigns before publishing them. This capability improves the campaign configuration process through automation before they are published. Certain values, tags, and benchmarks can be pre-populated for campaigns using these rules enabling advertisers to group and manage their campaigns effectively.

Value Proposition




Ads Media Manager

Difficulty in Automatic Filling of Custom Field Values Based on Condition

  • In many instances, you may wish to group your campaigns, ad sets, and ads for easy management and reporting of different items. You usually use custom fields based on a parameter to achieve the same.

    For example, you can group campaigns based on the part of the marketing funnel they lie (awareness, consideration, conversion) as per the objective of the campaign; i.e., group campaigns with objective Traffic, Post Engagement, Page Likes, Video Views, etc. to a custom field value Consideration:

Ads Media Manager

Difficulty in Filling Same Custom Field Values Across All Ad Entity Levels

In many instances, you may create the same custom fields across all three ad levels (campaign/ad set/ad). To fill the custom field values manually each time across all three levels, you create a new campaign. This can be time-consuming and painful. In order to achieve the same, you can use Paid Pre Publishing rules to fill the same custom fields across all ad entity levels.

Ads Media Manager

Difficulty in securing Outbound publishing

Automate your tasks based on the created post details, properties, associated accounts, and type of content being used in your ad creatives. It helps in speeding up the process of auto-tagging ad creative custom fields.

Note: Paid Pre Publishing Rules will not work for Ad Creative customizations (PAC, DLO, Location Customization, Dynamic Creative).

Use Cases

  • Copy Fields from one level to another, i.e.:

    • Paid Initiative to Ad Set

    • Ad Set to Ad Variant

    • Outbound to Ad Variant

    • Ad Variant to Outbound

    • Sprinklr Campaign to Paid Initiative

  • Applying Fields based on other Fields, i.e. setting a Field with abbreviated or encoded values based on another Field with full names (normally the full names would be used reproting while the abbreviated names would be used in a Naming Convention

  • Applying Fields based on properties of the ad, i.e.:

    • The Ad Account being used

    • The User creating the Ad

    • The Geo Targeting of the Audience

    • For a full list of options, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Conditions & Actions


No. Currently, the Paid Pre Publishing Rule only gets triggered in the Ads Composer flow and not in any other flow.

The Paid Pre Publishing Rule is triggered at each of the following sections:

  • Campaign Details

  • Targeting

  • Creatives

  • Advanced Configuration