LinkedIn Ads Campaign Structure & Roles


Campaign Structure

The campaign structure for LinkedIn Ads consists of three levels:

  1. Campaign Groups (Paid Initiative): This is the top-level of the LinkedIn Ads campaign structure, where you define your campaign objective, budget, and schedule. At this level, you choose the type of LinkedIn ad you want to create, such as Sponsored Content or Sponsored InMail, and set your targeting options based on your desired audience.

  2. Campaigns (Ad Sets) : The ad group level is where you create specific ads and set bid amounts for each ad. Within each ad group, you can create multiple variations of ads to test different messages, images, or targeting options. Ad groups allow you to organize your ads and make it easier to analyze their performance.

  3. Ads: This is where you create the individual ads themselves. You can choose from different ad formats, including images, videos, and carousel ads. At this level, you also write the ad copy, select the landing page URL, and upload any creative assets.

It's important to note that the success of your LinkedIn Ads campaign depends on many factors, including the quality of your ad copy, targeting options, and the landing page experience. By using a well-structured campaign, you can better organize your ads and optimize their performance for maximum effectiveness.


There are different roles involved in LinkedIn Ads, each with their own responsibilities and access levels. Here are the primary roles and their respective responsibilities:

  1. Account Owner: The account owner is the person who creates the LinkedIn Ads account and has full access to all features and billing information. This person has the highest level of access and can add or remove users from the account.

  2. Campaign Manager: The campaign manager is responsible for creating and managing campaigns. They can create new campaigns, ad groups, and ads, as well as set budgets and bidding options. This role can also access reporting and analytics for their campaigns.

  3. Creative Manager: The creative manager is responsible for creating the ad content, including copy, images, and videos. They work with the campaign manager to develop ad concepts and provide assets for campaigns.

  4. Analyst: The analyst role focuses on analyzing campaign performance and making recommendations for optimizations. They can access reporting and analytics data to help optimize targeting, bidding, and ad content.

  5. Viewer: The viewer role is a read-only role that allows users to view campaigns and their performance but cannot make any changes to campaigns.

It's essential to assign roles carefully to ensure that each person has access to the appropriate level of data and control over campaigns. Properly assigning roles can help ensure the success of your LinkedIn Ads campaigns.