Paid Pre Publishing Rule Conditions & Actions


Leverage pre-publishing rules to secure your outbound publishing and automate your tasks.

Using the Pre-Publishing rules, advertisers can set certain rules on the posts/Paid Initiatives before publishing them. This capability improves the Paid Initiative configuration process through automation before they are published. Certain values, tags, and benchmarks can be pre-populated for Paid Initiatives using these rules enabling advertisers to group and manage their Paid Initiatives effectively.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule. To learn more, see Create a Rule.

  3. On the Create New Rule window, provide the rule details and click Next. For more information, refer to the Create New Rule — Field Descriptions

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and set the Conditions and Actions. For more information, see Paid Rule Conditions and Paid Rule Actions.

  5. On the Rule Builder window, select Add Condition to set up specific publishing scenarios that must be met for subsequent actions to execute. You can also chain multiple conditions together to refine the scenarios. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Conditions.

  6. To configure actions in a rule, select Add Action on a Yes or a No branch of a condition depending on when you want the action to be executed. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Actions.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Paid Pre Publishing Rule Option Descriptions

Field Name


Name and Description

Provide a name and an optional description for your new rule.

Rule Scope

Set the scope of your rule to Customer as Paid Pre Publishing Rules work at the partner level.


Select Paid Pre Publishing as the rule context to determine which type of asset the Rule will be executed upon.

Activation Date

This refers to the date when the rule is created.

Rule Execution Batch

Select a rule execution batch. Rule batches are used to categorize and organize rules to make them run in a particular sequence. Rule batches run in sequence from left to right; and within a rule batch, the rules run in sequence from top to bottom. For more information, refer to this article.

Rule Type

This will be set to Standard to ensure the rules trigger automatically as per rule configuration.



Common Properties


Select the objective(s) of the Paid Initiative.


Select the ad account(s) and/or account group(s) associated with the Paid Initiative.


Select a social channel or channels (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc) for which the Paid Initiative is created.


Select the user(s) associated with the Paid Initiative.


Select the Sprinklr Campaign being used in the Paid Initiative.

Sub Campaign

Select the Sub-Campaign. Note that this option only appears if a Campaign is selected, and the Sub-Campaigns shown will be specific to the parent Campaign.

Properties of the Paid Initiatives


Select from the existing tags associated with the Paid Initiative.

Paid Initiative Pacing for Twitter

Select the Pacing type for your Twitter Paid Initiative from:

  • Standard

  • Accelerated

Lifetime Budget

Select an operator and set the value as your lifetime budget condition for Paid Initiatives.

Daily Budget

Select an operator and set the value as your daily budget condition for Paid Initiatives.

Monthly Budget

Select an operator and set the value as your monthly budget condition for Paid Initiatives.

Facebook Buying Type

Select a buying type for Facebook Paid Initiative from:

  • Auction

  • Reach And Frequency

Identical Story ID Across Ad Sets

Select an operator and set Yes/No for Paid Initiatives having unique or identical story ID across its ad sets.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Custom Fields (see Custom Fields ).

Properties of the Ad Sets

Ad Set Tags

Select from the existing tags associated with the Ad Sets.

Min Targeting Age

Select an operator and an age as the minimum targeting age condition for Ad Sets.

Max Targeting Age

Select an operator and an age as the maximum targeting age condition for Ad Sets.

Geo Country

Select an operator and set the value as the targeting location condition.

Daily Budget

Select an operator and set the value as your daily budget condition for Ad Sets.

Minimum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Select an operator and set the value as your minimum daily budget condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Maximum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Select an operator and set the value as your maximum daily budget condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Lifetime Budget

Select an operator and set the value as your lifetime budget condition for Ad Sets.

Minimum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Select an operator and set the value as your minimum lifetime budget condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Maximum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Select an operator and set the value as your maximum lifetime budget condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Optimization Goal

Select an operator and set the optimization goal as a condition for Ad Sets.

Facebook Publisher Platform

Select an operator and set the publisher platform(s) as a condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Facebook Platform Position

Select an operator and set the platform position(s) as a condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Facebook Device Platform

Select an operator and set the device platform(s) as a condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Ad Set Pacing for Facebook (Delivery Type)

Select the Pacing type for your Facebook Ad Sets from:

  • Standard

  • Accelerated


Select an operator and a gender as the targeting condition for Ad Sets.

Facebook User Operating System

Select an operator and a user operating system as the targeting type condition for Facebook Ad Sets.

Custom Audience is targeted

Select an operator and set Yes/No as the condition if custom audiences are used in targeting or not.

LinkedIn Ad Set Objective

Select an operator and set the objective to check at the LinkedIn Ad Set level.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Properties of the Ad Variants

Ad Tags

Select from the existing tags associated with the Ads.

Facebook Page

Select an operator and Facebook page(s) associated with Facebook Ad Variants.

Twitter Promotable User

Select an operator and the Twitter promotable user(s) associated with Twitter Ad Variants.

Facebook Post Type

Select an operator and a post type for Facebook Ad Variants.

Twitter Post Type

Select an operator and a post type for Twitter Ad Variants.

Facebook/Twitter Media Asset Type

Select an operator and an asset type for the media used in Ad Variants.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Conditions Applies To Properties of the Posts

Custom Properties (Outbound Message)

Select an Outbound Custom Field and its values to use as conditions

Operator options

“Is”, “Is Not”, “Is Empty”, “After”, “Before”, “From”, “To”, “Between”, “Equals”, “Greater Than”, “Less Than”, “Greater Than or Equal to”, “Less Than or Equal to” (options available depend on the field type)



Control Properties of Paid Initiatives


Select the existing tags or type and press enter to create new tags and set for Paid Initiatives.

Reporting Benchmark

Select a Reporting Benchmark for Paid Initiatives.

Note: As per the new enhancements in Sprinklr, you will be able to create conditions in Paid Rules that contain customized Reporting Periods.

Paid Initiative Cost Benchmark

Select a Cost Benchmark to apply to your Paid Initiative.

Paid Initiative Cost Benchmark Value

Select a Cost Benchmark Value to apply to your Paid Initiative.

Paid Initiative Rate Benchmark

Select a Rate Benchmark to apply to your Paid Initiative.

Paid Initiative Rate Benchmark Value

Select a Rate Benchmark Value to apply to your Paid Initiative.

Custom Properties (Paid Initiative)

Select to pre-fill the custom properties of the Paid Initiative level with Sprinklr Campaign or Sprinklr Sub-Campaign properties.

Note: The rule will get triggered only when moving from one tab to another in Ads Composer as soon as you link a Sprinklr campaign or a sub-campaign.


Select a Campaign to apply to your Paid Initiative.


Select a Sub-Campaign to apply to your Paid Initiative. Note that this option only appears if a Campaign is selected, and the Sub-Campaigns shown will be specific to the parent Campaign.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Special Ad Category

Select the Special Ad Category (Housing, Credit, Employment, etc.)

Control Properties of Ad Sets

Ad Set Tags

Select the existing tags or type and press enter to create new tags and set them for Ad Sets.

Custom Properties

Select to pre-fill the custom properties from the Paid Initiative level to the Ad Set level.
Note: Only the custom fields shared across multiple levels will be applicable.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Tracking Pixel

Set the Tracking Pixel for X.

Control Properties of Ad Variants

Ad Tags

Select the existing tags or type and press enter to create new tags and set for Ad Variants.

Custom Properties

Select to pre-fill the custom properties from the following levels to the Ad Variant level:

  • Paid Initiative

  • Ad Set

  • Outbound (Post)

Note: Only the custom fields shared across multiple levels will be applicable.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Tracking Pixel

Set the Tracking Pixel for Facebook & TikTok.

Mobile App Tracking Event

Select the Mobile App Tracking Event for Facebook.

Control Properties of Posts

Custom Properties (Outbound Message)

Select to pre-fill the Custom Properties at the Outbound Post level with specified values.

Note: If the outbound custom property being used in one or more Ads, then changes made will reflect across all the Ads linked to this post.

Also not that this can’t be used to set outbound fields on child posts of PAC / Dynamic ads due to API limitations.

Operator options

“Set”, “Set if Absent”, “Unset” & “Remove”

Map Ad Account Custom Field Values to Paid Initiative

Custom Properties (Outbound Message)

Select the field you wish to map from the Outbound Message level

Operator options

“Set”, “Set if Absent”

Custom Properties (Paid Initiative)

Select the field you wish to map to the Paid Initiative. Ideally this would be the same field shared across both assets, or another field with the same values.

Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Custom Properties (Outbound Message)

Select the field you wish to map from the Outbound Message level

Operator options

“Set”, “Set if Absent”

Custom Properties (Ad Variant)

Select the field you wish to map to the Ad Variant level. Ideally this would be the same field shared across both assets, or another field with the same values.

Map Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Post

Custom Properties (Outbound Message)

Select the field you wish to map from the Outbound Message level

Operator options

“Set”, “Set if Absent”

Custom Properties (Post)

Select the field you wish to map to the Post. Ideally this would be the same field shared across both assets, or another field with the same values.


No. Currently, the Paid Pre Publishing Rule only gets triggered in the Ads Composer flow and not in any other flow.

The Paid Pre Publishing Rule is triggered at each of the following sections:

  • Paid Initiative Details

  • Targeting

  • Creatives

  • Advanced Configuration