UGC Request Template


Request Template helps you to customize your Request Approval page that is sent to the Asset account owner. The Request Approval page is sent as a link, which has the permission request for you to share the user content based on the user's approval. Once approved, you can use the asset for all your future publishing needs. For the social media channels that do not support the hyperlink, such as Instagram, the approval can be received by requesting the user to use a unique hashtag.

The link is sent as a shortened URL to the Approver. Currently, this feature is available with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


When you click Request Approval, the request template with the highest match score is selected. For example, if you are requesting approval for a Twitter asset from a BumbleBee account then the request template with the Channel field Twitter and Account field BumbleBee gets selected.

To Customize Your Request Approval Page

  1. Click the New Tab iconSpace Add New Tab Icon . Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click UGC Templates within Produce. You will be redirected to the V3 environment. 

  2. In the top right corner of the Settings / UGC Template window, click Create UGC Template.

  3. On the Untitled UGC Template window, fill in the required details. For more information, see UGC Template — Field Descriptions.
    Creating a New UGC Template

  4. Click Save in the bottom right corner.  

UGC Template — Field Descriptions


Enter a unique name.


Enter a description.


Selecting Global will allow visibility for all users across the Spaces within your environment. Selecting Space(s) will allow visibility for all users within the specified Space(s). Selecting User(s) will allow visibility for only the specified user(s) or user group(s) if applicable. 

Expiry Time
Set the duration after which the template link will not open. The following are the options:
  • Days

  • Months 

  • Years

Entry Criteria

Click to select the channel to which the asset is associated.


Click to select the account which is requesting the approval.


Click to select the campaign.


Click to select the language for which the request template is meant for.

Enable Hasgtag Approval

Enabling this flag will make this template a Hashtag Approval Template for all/selected channels. Disabling it will make it a Hashtag Approval Template for Instagram and Microsite Approval Template for the rest of the channels.

Hashtag Approval Settings
Hashtag Approval Settings

These settings are used for sites that do not allow hyperlinks within their pages but only hashtags, such as Instagram and Tumblr.

Request Approval Hashtag

Enter a User Reply Hashtag.

Reply Message

This optional message can be used as an automated reply on a user's page to request permission for their content. 

Microsite Approval Settings

Microsite Approval Settings

This template is used for sites that allow hyperlinks within their pages, such as Twitter and Facebook.

Reply Message 

This optional message can be used as an automated reply on a user's page to request permission for their content.

Request Approval Settings 

Upload a Brand Photo and a Header Photo. 

You can directly upload a photo from your system or by adding a URL, or you can also use existing photos from Favorites, SAM, and UGC.


Type a message requesting for the user's approval of the asset. For example:

Hi %User%, we %Account% loved your post on %Channel% and would like to use it. Please click the ‘Approve’ button below to give us permission.

If the user clicks Approve, this message appears in the request template page.

Approve Message 

Type a message thanking the user for granting you permission to use his content. For example:

Thank you %User% for creating great content and granting us permission to use it.  We’re looking forward to your future posts.

Reject Message 

Type a message to inform the user that you will not use the content since the approval request has been rejected. For example:

We understand, %User%. Thanks for letting us know that you do not want us to share your content.

Recall Message

Thanks for visiting, however, we no longer are requesting your picture.

Recall Sub-Message

Type a message informing the user that you want to use their post for creating a campaign's content. For example:

We wanted to use your post for our %Campaign% Campaign

Request Permission For
Type a message understanding the user's concern for not allowing you to further share the content. For example, We understand, %User%. Thanks for letting us know that you do not want us to share your content. 

If the user clicks Reject, this message appears in the request template page.
Terms and Conditions
Type the additional terms and conditions. For example, By clicking Approve you are granting the image rights to us for sharing the content.

This text appears in the request template page.
Additional Verification 

Add a message if you require any additional verification regarding the content. 

To Approve or Reject a UGC Template

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click UGC Templates within Produce. You will be redirected to the V3 environment. 

  2. On the Settings / UGC Template window, you can view all UGC Templates created by you. You can Preview, Edit, or Delete a UGC Template. 

  3. Click Preview on the desired UGC Template.

  4. On the Microsite Template Preview pop-up window, you can switch between the Web and Mobile views of your template. 
    Microsite Template Preview of a UGC Request Template

  5. Click View Template on Full Page in Web view. The UGC Request Template will open in a separate tab. 

  6. Click Decline or Approve.
    Approve or Reject UGC Request Template

  7. In the Mobile view, you can Decline or Approve the approval request from the Microsite Preview Template pop-up window. 
    Decline or Approve UGC Template