Use Cases for Stats Import



This article covers use cases of stat import and its value.


  • Ads Media Manager and Insights Analyst wants to be able to see all data in one place to analyze which ads are performing well

  • Ads Media Manager and Insights Analyst wants to be able to identify the lifetime value of a user

  • Ads Media Manager and Insights Analyst wants to understand customer retention

Use Cases

  • Measure the efficiency of your campaigns and import external data to monitor and improve the performance of your ads.

  • Expose important metrics (conversions, leads, etc.) from any 3rd party data provider.

  • Attribute those metrics to specific ad campaigns, ad sets, and ad variants in Ads Manager and Ads Reporting.

  • Optimize your paid activities by using 3rd party metrics as the source of truth.

  • View metrics (yield/revenue, count of events, unique users) for a specific reporting timeframe using a period grouped by post-conversion days.

  • Cohort reports provide a multi-dimensional analysis of retargeting campaigns to provide a full view of user behavior, KPIs, and success metrics.

  • Marketing campaigns can run across multiple time zones and countries, and you can find out the true impact of your campaigns.

  • Find which ad variant, ad set, campaign, or channel drove the most-in app purchases.


Leveraging Sprinklr’s Stats Import, brands and agencies will be able to:

  • Import 3rd Party Data: Integrate with any tool such as looker, salesforce, tableau, etc. via SFTP or Amazon S3 bucket

  • Improve performance: Measure and optimize campaigns towards your own “source of truth” data.

  • Unified Reporting: Have a unified reporting view for all your data

  • Cohort Reporting: Import cohort data and analyze ad variant performance for each cohort in Sprinklr