Add, Edit and Remove Widgets in a Reporting Dashboard



Widgets help you see data and insights on different specific and individual aspects of your Projects and Portfolios. You can create multiple customizable and editable Widgets for your Reporting Dashboard to gather data on different performance indicators.

Add a Widget

1. Click the Reports button in the Left Navigation Bar. From Global Reporting Home, locate and select the relevant Reporting Dashboard.


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2. Click the Add Widget button.


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3. In the Widget Builder, The left pane allows you to specify the details of you Widget while the right pane gives you a preview of your Widgte. You can also use the buttons on the top of the preview to change the Visualization Type.

4. Use the left pane to give your Widget a Name and select a Data Source (Project level data or Task level data).

5. Next, select a Visualization Type (Pie chart, line graph, bar graph etc.) and specify which metrics or dimensions you want to visualize.

6. You can use the Configuration options to fine tune your Widget. You can hide or reveal the legend, label the data within the visualization itself, set an auto-refresh time interval, and configure other aspects of data visualization.


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7. Advanced Options let you add filters for your data visualizations. You can add multiple filters to your Widget to fine tune data analytics. You can also check the Ignore all dashboard/section filters to make your Widget filters independent of Dashboard or Section filters.

8. Display Options allow you to control the number of entires in your Widget.

9. You can also choose how you want to sort the data in your Widget through the Define Sorting option.


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10. Click the Add to Dashboard button to add the Widget to your Dashboard.

Edit or Remove an Existing Widget

1. To edit an existing Widget, you can either use the buttons on the top of each Widget OR open the Widget Builder again to update every aspect of the Widget.

2. To open the Widget Builder, click the Options button on top of the Widget and select Edit Widget. Update the Widget as per your needs and then click Update Widget to save your changes.


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3. For quick edits, you can also use the buttons on the Widget itself.

4. The Quick Actions button on the Widget allows you to change the various metrics and dimensions shown in the Widget. You can choose to show or hide Quick Actions on your Widget.


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5. Click the Filters icon to update filters for your Widget. Click Apply to apply the updated filters, Cancel to discard changes and Clear to clear all existing filters in the Widget.


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6. Use the Visualizations button to change the data visualization type on your Widget.


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7. Click the Options button and select Delete Widget to remove a Widget.


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