Publish to Google My Business


Google My Business provides you with the ability to create Posts in Google Search within several categories, such as news, events, and offers. You can publish your offers, events, products, and services directly to Google Search and Maps through posts on Google My Business. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can create an event post, call to action post and offer post.

Note: Post as Type of Message is no longer supported in Sprinklr. In other words, you can't publish a Post for Google My Business.

To Publish to Google My Business

  1. Click the Publishing Options icon Space Quick Publish Icon in the top right of the navigation bar and select Create Post from the drop-down.

  2. In the Create Post window, search and select the required Google My Business Account in the Select Accounts field. You can also use Advanced Search to narrow your searches by a series of various filters.

  3. Select the desired Type of Message from the drop-down menu. For more information, see Message Types — Field Descriptions.Selecting the desired Type of Message from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select a campaign from the Campaign drop-down menu to associate your post with. You can also set your campaign as default by clicking Set as Default.

  5. You can select URL Shortener to shorten every link that you paste in your message. This helps you make the most of the character limit.

  6. Apply Properties to the post.

  7. Under Approval, set an Approval Type for your post. You can also add an ApprovaNote.

  8. The preview of the post will render on the right pane. Also, you can click the Preview icon Space_Icon_Preview.png in the bottom left corner if you have minimized the Create Post window.

  9. Click Post in the bottom right corner to publish the post on the selected Instagram account immediately. If you are not ready to publish and want to save your post as a draft, click Save as Draft.

  10. You can also schedule your post for a future date and time by clicking the  Schedule Post in the bottom right corner. Select the month, date, and time of publishing. Click Apply to save your changes. 

  11. To continue publishing the post, check the given Publish Another box in the bottom.

Message Types — Field Descriptions

  • Enter the message for your post in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the message. 

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your message.

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos, Photo and Video to the post by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Status Details
  • Enter the status details for your alert in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the status details. 

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your status details.

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the status details by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Call to Action

Select the desired call to action button from the drop-down menu. The following call to action buttons are available:

  • Book

  • Order

  • Shop

  • Learn More

  • Sign Up

  • Call Now

Click through URL

Enter the desired URL for your call to action button. A click-through URL is a location that the viewer is redirected to when they click on call yo action button.

What's New
Post Details
  • Enter the post details for what's new update in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the post details.

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your post details. 

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post details by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Click Select Photo to add a photo from the Media Uploader (or Upload Photo to select media to upload from your device). 
Call to Action

Select the desired call to action button from the drop-down menu. 

Click through URL

Enter the desired URL for your call to action button.

Offer Title

Enter the offer title for your offer in the Content box with a limit of 58 characters. 

Click Select Photo to add a photo from the Media Uploader (or Upload Photo to select media to upload from your device). 
Offer Duration
Select the offer duration from the Select Date Range pop-up window. 
Add Time
Check the box to add time in the Offer Duration.
Offer Description
  • Enter the offer description for your offer in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the offer description. 

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your offer description. 

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post details by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Coupon Code

Enter the coupon code for the offer.

Redeem Offer Link

Enter the redeem offer link.

Terms and Conditions
  • Enter the terms and conditions for your offer in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the terms and conditions. 

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your terms and conditions. 

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post details by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Event Title

Enter the event title for your event in the Content box.

Click Select Photo to add a photo from the Media Uploader (or Upload Photo to select media to upload from your device). 
Event Duration
Select the event duration from the Select Date Range pop-up window. 
Add Time
Check the box to add time in the Event Duration.
Event Description
  • Enter the event description for your event in the Content box with a limit of 10000 characters. In the bottom right corner of the Content box, you will see a number representing the number of characters remaining for the event description.

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your event description.

  • You can also add Custom LinksContent Placeholders, previously created Text Templates or YouTube Videos to the post details by clicking Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 2.40.26 PM.pngInsert icon in the bottom left corner of the Content box.

Call to Action

Select the desired call to action button from the drop-down menu. 

Click through URL

Enter the desired URL for your call to action button.