Add an Ad Account (Distributed User)


Sprinklr supports Ad Accounts for Distributed Users for LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.


Use of this feature requires that Paid Media Advertising be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Paid Media Advertising, please contact your Success Manager.

In order to advertise for Facebook and Instagram Pages added to Sprinklr, the user who adds the Facebook Ad Account must be natively permissioned as an admin to all Pages and to the Ad Account. Further, the Ad Account must be natively permissioned to publish on all pages before being added to the Sprinklr platform.

Native Permissions

Check for the respective native permissions before linking an ad account within Sprinklr. These are the recommended roles to sync ad accounts into Sprinklr.


Ad Account Permission

Page Permission

Minimum Permission for Reporting

Facebook and Instagram

Admin or Advertiser or Manage Campaigns (Business Manager)


Analyst (Page) or View Performance (Business Manager)


Ad Manager

Campaign Analyst


Sponsored Content Poster


Fundamentals of Adding an Ad Account

Before Adding Accounts

After Adding Accounts

  • We use Access Tokens to add your Ad account into Sprinklr. Never provide your usernames or passwords.

  • It is recommended that the Ad Account Owner/Agency should be the person to add the account into Sprinklr.

  • Agencies serving multiple clients from the same ad account cannot add these accounts into Sprinklr. In cases like this, new ad accounts will need to be created and all the historic data associated with the account will be lost.

  • Accounts will start syncing data into Sprinklr immediately. This process will normally finish within 24 hours.

  • For Ad Accounts, all its historic data will be synced (i.e. you will see data from the first day the ad account was used).

  • All Billing and Payments will take place on the respective native platforms.

To Add an Ad Account

  1. Log in to your Distributed Environment, and go to Settings.

  2. Go to the Accounts tab.

  3. Hover over Add Account. Select the Account Type you’d like to connect. For our example, we’ll use Facebook Ads.  

  4. Click Add Account in the top right corner and select Facebook Ads.

  5. Authenticate your Ad account with Sprinklr and click Continue.

  6. Fill mandatory custom fields if any. Your Ad account should then be available to use.