Conversation History Card


When old conversations are present, a new widget is shown on the home page of chat, which shows existing conversations, as shown below. This is often called as "Conversation History Card".

Persona Configuration

Within the Live Chat Builder's "Personalize Your Live Chat" section, you can customize the avatars and names of senders in chat interfaces, depending on whether the reply comes from a bot or an agent.

Enable persona avatars: Bot and agent avatars will be visible in the chat. You have the option to select the agent avatar as either Name Initials, Agent Profile Image, or Brand Account Image. Additionally, you can add the desired image for the bot.

Enable persona names: Bot and agent names will be visible in the chat. You can choose to display the agent's name as either the Brand Account Display Name or the Agent Profile Display Name. Additionally, you can input the desired name for the bot.

Enable conditional persona: It allows for the assignment of different agent avatars and names for different users and user groups. This means that for different sets of agents or agent groups, different avatars (profile pictures) and names will be displayed to customers.

Hide persona names in conversation screen: Bot and agent names will be hidden in the conversation screen.