How to Build Business Logic on Filled Disposition Field in ACW


You have to define desiposition plan and its fields seprately in disposition plan section and then you need to use those disposition plan in ACW screen. You can also enable agent to fill multiple disposition plan. You can access the filled disposition in the ACW to build business logic.

How You can Access Disposition Plan and its fields in ACW workflow-

If you are using multiple disposition, then you need to add the loop node to access each filled disposition plan and then put this condition of checking in each loop path.

  • Once you add disposition plan in screen using Call Disposition component in ACW screen

  • You have to add loop node and set the collection variable as <screen_name>.VOICE_DISPOSITION to iterate on all filled diposition. Also define Loop Variable name which will contain the array element for each iteration of the loop, This will be used to access the disposition plan inside loop.

  • Now, to access the disposition fields in each loop to build the workflow based on certain logic and decisioning, we can use decision box node, assignment node, custom field action node, etc by accessing the disposition field through the loop variable name. e.g, in the above example it will be accessed through final_loop_final.<field_name>

  • Once you can access disposition fields filled in disposition plan, you can put custom business logic, some of the examples are-

    • Schedule callback on the basis of certain field filled - You have to put decision on if callback was scheduled or not and then put a schedule callback node

    • Submit disposition fields to external CRM system using API node

    • Set certain filled disposiiton field in case/profile custom field

    • Take decision using decision box on different filled disposition field.