Clone a Dashboard Widget


Reporting dashboard allows cloning of existing widgets within the same or to some other dashboard, this saves time and helps for easier analysis in many scenarios. For example, your brand manager might create widgets to identify the campaign reach by specific demographics. These widgets could then be cloned and moved to specific sections in various reporting dashboards to give different teams insight into valuable data.


  1. Go to any Dashboard with widgets that you wish to clone. Here we are taking an example of adding a widget from Reporting Dashboard to Listening Dashboard.

  2. Locate a widget that you wish to clone and hover over the 3 dots in the top right corner of the widget.

  3. Click Add to Custom Dashboard

  4. In the Add to Custom Dashboard window, enter the details, including the section to which you'd like to add the widget; See Add to Custom Dashboard — Field Descriptions.

  5. Click Add.

Field Descriptions



Widget Name

Name of the section that you want to clone and add it to another custom dashboard.


From the drop-down list, select one of the dashboard type where you want to add the section:
Reporting Insights

Listening Insights

Ads Reporting

Command Center

Consumption Dashboards

Benchmarking Dashboards


Select the Dashboard where you want to add the widget.

Select the Section where you want to add the widget.

Click to add the widget in more than one Section of the Dashboard.

Create Dashboard

Enter a Dashboard name to create a new dashboard and add the widget in it.

To use this option, ensure that the auto selected Dashboard Field is empty

Apply Dashboard Filter

Click to retain the same dashboard filter where you are adding the widget.

Only available if the existing Dashboard already has a filter applied on it.