Create a Widget


Widget is an element in Sprinklr Reporting that enables users to customize their own visualizations and add metrics that users wish to dive deeper into and derive actionable insights. A widget offers multiple customization options such as custom visualizations, various metric compatibility, different data sources to choose from, filters, sorting, and formatting.

Note: While creating a widget, you can view details related to the metrics/dimensions in the platform itself. These details include not only the description, but also which metric to compare with in native analytics, and if it's paid/organic/total. This will serve as a floating reporting glossary for you. Currently, this is only supported for the Social Analytics data source, and the top used 300 metrics/dimensions in this source. Support for all other metrics will be rolled out soon. For details, see Tooltips & Floating Reporting Glossary.

Create a Widget

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Reporting within Analyze.

  2. Select the desired reporting dashboard from the Dashboard Manager.

  3. Click Add Widget in the top right corner of the desired reporting dashboard.

  4. Select the Type of widget and enter a Name to display at the top of the widget.

  5. Fill out the remaining preferences for your widget such as Filters, Configurations and Sorting on the Widget.

  6. Click Add to Dashboard to add the widget to the dashboard.