Statistical Tools for Metrics in Widgets


Statistical functions can be applied to numeric columns to find the sum, average, minimum, or maximum value. Users can evaluate data and show subtotals for each report widget, plus a grand total for all data in the widget. This removes the pain of writing the formula and getting the value of these math functions manually.

You can apply statistical tools to answer business questions like these:

  1. Which of our social media accounts has the most engagement, and which has the least?

  2. What is the average engagement of all our social media accounts?

Operators available within widgets



Sum (selected by default)

The sum total of all the records in the given date range.


The arithmetic means of the selected metric for the given date range.

Sum of all the records in the given date range / The number of records in the given date range


The minimum of all the records in the given date range.


The maximum of all the records in the given date range.


The relative change in the selected metric for the given date range.

Sum of all the records in the previous date range - Sum of all the records in the given date range


The percentage value of the record for the given date range.

Current record / (Sum of all the records in the given date range) x 100

% Change

The relative percentage change in the selected metric for the given date range.

((Sum of all the records in the previous date range) - (Sum of all the records in the given date range)) / (Sum of all the records in the previous date range)


The current record as a given percentile of all the records in order of size.

For example, the 95th percentile of Spent depicts that 95% of the observations may be found below this value for the particular date range.