Timeline Visibility Filter


The Timeline Visibility Filter is a feature designed to categorize and filter different types of posts within a social media platform, specifically focusing on distinguishing Brand Timeline Posts, Blank or Non-Channel Posts, and Non-timeline posts or spam.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • Brand Timeline Posts: These are posts directly linked to the brand's official timeline.

  • Blank or Non-Channel Posts: These refer to posts that are either empty or do not originate from the designated channel.

  • Non-Timeline Posts or Spam: This category includes posts that do not pertain to the brand, essentially categorizing them as spam in the context of the brand.

Filtering Criteria

The filter categorizes posts as follows:

  • Brand Timeline Posts: Identified as "True"

  • Blank or Non-Channel Posts: Identified as "Not Defined”

  • Non-Timeline Posts or Spam: Identified as "False"