How to Deflect the Customer From IVR to Other Channels


Pre-requisite for configuring this node in IVR: Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have IVR View, Edit or Create permission

Deflection to other channels from voice is being used to redirect customers from voice calls to more efficient and convenient channels like WhatsApp, LiveChat, self-service options, chatbots, or web-based interactions reducing call volumes and providing faster resolutions. This helps optimize resources and improve customer experience. Using Deflection node of Sprinklr IVR, we can deflect the customer to modern channels.

Some of the standard usecase of deflection are-

  1. Self-Service Options: Customers can be redirected to self-service options such as knowledge bases to access information or perform basic tasks on their own.

  2. Chatbots: Voice calls can be deflected to chatbots, allowing customers to interact with AI-powered virtual assistants for quick and automated assistance, reducing the need for agent involvement.

  3. Web-Based Interactions: Customers can be guided to web-based channels such as live chat or web forms, where they can engage with agents or submit specific requests or inquiries conveniently through their preferred digital platform.

  4. Email or Ticketing Systems: Customers can be guided to submit their queries or issues through email or ticketing systems, allowing for a more structured and trackable communication process, ensuring timely responses and follow-ups.

Here are some screenshot of the sample configuration of this node-


Note: The deflection message will be sent to the customer's phone number and email address stored in their profile. If the email address is not present in the profile, the deflection message will not be delivered to the customer.

Note: Live Chat deflection operates differently. When selecting "Live Chat" as the deflection type, three additional fields must be configured i.e., Deflection Via, Via Account, URL Shortner. This is because you need to send the live chat application link through another channel, such as SMS, WhatsApp, or Email.


The Deflection node major components are:

  1. Deflection type: Select the channel you wish to deflect the user on. You can deflect user to LiveChat, SMS, Whatsapp, Email. 

  2. Account: This dropdown allows you to select the brand application/account for the deflection. For LiveChat deflection, it will be the LiveChat application where the conversation will be redirected. For other deflections like SMS, Email, or WhatsApp, this account will be used to send the deflection message and hold the conversation with the customer later on.

  3. Asset: You can choose a pre-existing asset from the Digital Asset Management (DAM) for deflection. For WhatsApp deflection, the asset should be HSM approved, while for SMS, it should be a plain text asset. This asset contains the message that you send to the customer to start the conversation on the selected channel.

  4. Via Deflection Type: This field is applicable only for Live Chat deflection. It allows you to select the medium (SMS, WhatsApp, Email) through which the Live Chat link will be sent to the customer.

  5. Via Account: This dropdown allows you to select the brand application/account for the selected medium 

  6. URL Shortener: Generally LiveChat application links are long and this option let you select a URL shortener to shorten them.

    Note: URL shortner needs to be configured seprately in Sprinklr