How to Voice out Information to Customer


Pre-requisite for configuring this node in IVR: Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have IVR View, Edit or Create permission

The Operator Says node allows us to define the messages played for users in the IVR. Within this node, you can enter text that will be converted into speech using the IVR's Text-to-Speech feature. Additionally, you have the option to upload recorded prompts. Furthermore, you can dynamically voice out variables in various formats such as numbers, text, alphanumeric, date, time, and more. This node allows for personalized and flexible message customization in the IVR system.

In this example, there are two tabs for each language(English and Spanish) where we can define messages for each language. The message played will depend on the language chosen by the user in the IVR. In the provided example, the variable ${PROFILE.FIRST_NAME} and recording "Thankyou for calling us.mp3" is utilized along with text.


  1. Variables are also voiced out using Text to speech

  2. The language options that comes in this node comes from the language chosen while creating the IVR

  3. This functionality is used as a component in other nodes like Gather customer response and Gather customer language node.

  1. Utilize variables and resources to read out information to the user, such as order status, credit card balance, wait time, and more.

  2. Create simple greeting messages, like "Thank you for calling," to be played at the end of the IVR flow.

  3. Can be used to record or/and add audio as voice prompts


The Operator says node major components are: 

  1. Node Name: This field allows users to assign a name to the node, which will be displayed on top of the node in the canvas. Furthermore, this name will be used in IVR reporting, appearing in the reports generated for analysis and tracking purposes.

  2. Content box: This is the place dedicated to define the message which will be played to the customer, Here, You can add text, recorded prompts and the resources simultaneously

    • You can enter text which will be converted to speech using TTS

    • You can click on audio wave button to add audio, where you can upload the recorded file from you machine or you can use a already uploaded asset

    • You can click on "${x} Say as" button to add resources, on clicking over this a resource menu will open from where you can select the resource which need to be voiced out. You can also utilize custom fields within IVR workflows such as Case, Account, and Profile CFs.

    • If you need to play the audio using a variable which contains URL of the audio, you can click on "${x} Audio Variable" button which will open resource menu, select that audio URL variable - this will render that URL and play that audio.

      Note: In order to play the audio from URL, That URL should be acessible by the Sprinklr system.

What is a Resource?

Resources are any properties that are already in the system or user inputs that are previously taken. You can define and manage your resources using manage resource section in IVR builder.

You can voiceout resources by clicking on ${x} Say as button which opens up resource menu, from where you can select the resource which need to be voiced out. You can find the complete list of resources with description here

You can voiceout reosurces in different format like-

  • Text - This format is suitable for voicing out text-based variables like status, name, etc. It is also the default format if no specific format is defined.

  • Numbers - Use this format for voicing out numbers in words such as account balance, payment amount, etc.

  • Digits - This format is used for voicing out numbers digit by digit, such as OTP or phone numbers. For intance, 567452 will be voiced out like - "Five Six Seven Four Five Two"

  • Alphanumeric - Use this format to voice out alphanumeric variables. It voices out digits and alphabets one by one. For instance, EK502 will be voiced out like- "E K Five Zero Two"

  • Date - This format is utilized to voice out dates in a standardized manner. The variable representing the date should be in specified format, which can be selected once the "Date" option is chosen. Various supported date formats are available. In the below table we have shown all type of format with "4th June 2023" as an example which will be voiced out as "Fourth June twenty twenty three."

























    dd mmm yyyy

    04 Jun 2023






    062023 - This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three




    0623 - This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three


    04/2023- This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three


    04/23- This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three


    Jun2023- This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three


    Jun23- This will be voicedout like June twenty twenty three

  • Time - This format is utilized to voice out time in a standardized manner. The variable representing the time should be in specified format. You can voiceout time in two format i.e., 12 hrs format or 24hrs format

  • Currency - This is the format used to voiceout currency

  • Email - This is the format used to voiceout email. The variable should be in format.