How to Get Avg. Customer WaitTime in the IVR?


In today's fast-paced business landscape, providing exceptional customer service is paramount for building strong customer relationships. Minimizing wait times during service interactions plays a crucial role in achieving high customer satisfaction. To address this, Intelligent Voice Response (IVR) systems utilize Work Queue Properties node, including the calculation of average wait time. These properties enable organizations to make informed decisions such as voicing out wait times, implementing deflection strategies, and scheduling callbacks.

This knowledge base (KB) article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Work Queue Properties node. We will explore the concept of average wait time within IVR systems and its practical applications, such as proactive customer communication, deflection strategies, and efficient callback scheduling.

Pre-requisite for configuring this node in IVR:

  1. Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have IVR View, Edit or Create permission.

In order to fetch average wait time in between the IVR , In the IVR Builder, click the New Space_Icon_Addition.png  icon on the path where you want to get work queue properties like wait time, position in queue, etc and select the Work Queue Properties node action under system nodes.

Here is the sample configuration for the node-


Major components are-

  1. Work Queue - In this field you need to choose the work queue for which you need fetch the average wait time.

  2. Work Queue Properties- This field will allow you to define the variable name which will contain the work queue properties, you will be able to use it to voiceout the wait time or taking decision using decision box.

For example - Here, the node is calculating the wait time for a work queue 'Voice Agent Queue’ and the process variable is voicqueue. So the variables in the resources will look like-

  1. WAIT_TIME_IN_MILLIS - This contain the wait time in millisecond

  2. WAIT_TIME_READABLE - This will contain the wait time in minutes. This can be used in operator says node to voiceout the wait time to customer.

  3. NUMBER_OF_PENDING_CASES - This will give you number of pending cases in queue.

    Note: In the case of skill based routing, number of pending cases will give pending cases with same skills.

  4. NUMBER_OF_AGENTS_AVAILABLE - This provide you the number agents who are in available status.

  5. IDLE_AGENTS - This provide you the number of agents who are currently idle (Not on call)

Note: In the case of skill based routing, to calculate the work queue properties it only consider the calls with same skills.

Some business use cases are-

  1. Use wait time to provide deflection or schedule callback option upfront

  2. Use wait time to announce wait time to the customer while customer is waiting in the queue

  3. Use Number of available agent to get the if there is any available agent or not and if there is less or no agent logged in the queue, transfer the call to other queue or deflect the customer, schedule callback or ask customer to callback later.

  4. Use number of ideal agent to get to know if there is any free agents currently or not, if there is no free agent then provide deflection option or inform the wait time to the customer