Filter Notifications in Inbox


Ability to filter notifications in Inbox helps reduce information overload and improve your ability to focus on what matters most.

Follow the steps below to apply filters to your inbox notifications:  

  1. Navigate to Inbox using the sidebar. 

  2. Click on the eye icon. A list of checkboxes, each corresponding to a different notification type, will appear. To view specific notifications, select the respective checkbox. To view all notifications, simply check the 'Select All' option.

    Note: You have the option to view all notifications or just the unread ones. To display only unread notifications, enable the 'Unread Only' toggle. 

  3. The following table describes inbox notification types shown in the attachment above.  

Notification Type 

Notification Description 


When someone @mentions you  

Assigned to me / Unassigned from me 

Tasks that have been assigned or unassigned from you 

Due date changed 

Change in due date of a task assigned to you  

Past due date 

The due date on a task assigned to you has passed 


Task reminders that you set up on tasks assigned to you or any other user 

Status changed 

The status of a task assigned to you updated  

Task Updated 

Any field corresponding to a task assigned to you is updated 

Added as collaborator 

You are added to a portfolio or project as a collaborator 

Blocking another task 

Task assigned to you is marked as blocking another task 

Blocked on another task 

Task assigned to you is marked as being blocked by another task 

Portfolio Access Request 

A user requesting access to a portfolio in which you are a portfolio owner 

Project Access Request 

A user requesting access to a project in which you are project owner 


When a new comment is added on a task assigned to you or when a new comment is added on a task where you have already added a comment  


When a task sheet export is completed 

Update Request 

When you are requested to update a task  


Received when an alert is triggered on the task to set users