How Does it Work?


When a data import request arrives from a partner, the process involves setting up a robust pipeline between the partner's system and Sprinklr for seamless data ingestion. To successfully import cases into Sprinklr, the following steps and parameters are crucial.

  1. Connection Establishment: S3/SFTP/GCP

    1. Select your preferred connection method between S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), or GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

    2. This connection serves as the bridge through which data flowS from the partner's system to Sprinklr.

  2. Data Format and Storage: SFTP/S3/GCP Folders

    1. Ensure that the data is in the desired format before placing it in the designated SFTP, S3 or GCP folders.

    2. The desired format refers to a structure compatible with Sprinklr's data ingestion process, ensuring seamless case creation.

  3. Configuration for Case Consumption: Sprinklr Setup

    1. On the Sprinklr side, create a configuration to consume the incoming cases.

    2. This configuration aligns Sprinklr's data processing capabilities with the format and structure of the data being imported.

Import Methods: SFTP, S3 and GCP

Sprinklr supports three methods for importing cases: SFTP, S3 and GCP. Partners can choose the method that aligns with their infrastructure and preferences, providing flexibility and compatibility with various systems.

Note: The GCP method is specifically available for voice cases.

Recommendation for Data Source Ownership

It is recommended that clients own and manage their data sources. In cases where a partner's SFTP/S3 has a restricted access, reach out to Sprinklr to whitelist IPs to access the SFTP/S3 location.

Properties Required for Pipeline Establishment

To establish a pipeline via SFTP, S3, or GCP, the following properties are required.

  1. For SFTP Connection:

    1. Host

    2. Port

    3. Username

    4. Password/Private Key

    5. Directory

  2. For S3 Connection:

    1. S3 Bucket Name - Region: us-east-1 region

    2. S3 Bucket Region

    3. Access Key ID

    4. Access Key Secret

  3. For GCP Connection:

    1. GCP Bucket Name

    2. Service Account Credentials

    3. Proxy Domain Name (if applicable)

These properties are essential for configuring the connection between the client's data sources and Sprinklr. Ensuring accurate and secure configuration of these parameters is pivotal for the successful establishment and maintenance of the data import pipeline.

Configuring Data Flow: Channels and Supported Formats

The next step involves understanding the supported channels and the required data format. Once data starts flowing in the desired format, cases are automatically created in Sprinklr.

Supported Channels

Presently, Sprinklr supports data import from two channels:

  1. Live Chat

  2. Voice

Note: We can ingest Email and Social cases as well, although they will appear as Live Chat cases on the platform. The brand requires these cases to be shared in a format similar to Live Chat cases.