Ingestion of Live Chat Cases


Live Chat Data Import Guidelines:

Adhere to the following specifications for successful import of live chat data into Sprinklr:

File Directory:

  • Maintain a single, consistent directory where Sprinklr configuration searches for files.

  • Ensure a one-to-one mapping between a specific importer configuration and a directory. No two importer configurations can point to the same directory.

File Extension and Content:

  • Sprinklr currently supports only zip or tar.gz files for live chat data.

  • Each zip file should contain one metadata file and one message-level file containing all messages of the case.

  • Metadata file includes case-level data (e.g., case ID, case start time, customer ID, custom fields).

  • Message file includes message-level details (For example, message text, message timestamp, author of the message).

File Prefix:

  • Maintain a consistent prefix for zip files. The configuration searches for zip files with this consistent prefix (For example,,

  • Like the zip file, there also has be a prefix for the metadata file inside the zip/tar file. Inside zip/tar, if Sprinklr does not find any metadata or message file with expected extensions then that zip/tar file gets ignored.

Metadata File Extension:

  • Sprinklr currently supports three types of metadata file extensions: JSON, XML, and CSV. Partners must adhere to these extensions for all selected files.

Metadata Contents:

  • Every conversation must contain a unique conversation ID for system identification.

  • Ensure consistency in metadata contents across all cases for a single configuration.

  • In the absence of an agent ID in the config, the system assigns the case to the default bot user.

  • The system does not currently support the import of customer profiles. If the customer ID is present, a new profile is created; otherwise, the case is associated with a backend-created profile consistent across partners.

  • If the timestamp of messages is not present in the metadata, the current time of upload is considered the case creation time.

Message File:

  • Each message has a unique object ID.

  • Every message has an author ID to determine if the message is sent by the agent or the customer.

  • If the customer ID in the metadata file matches the author ID in the message file, the message is sent by the customer; otherwise, it is sent by an agent (or bot).

Processing Time:

  • On average, SFTP integration takes 1 second to upload a live chat case containing around 100 messages (both brand and customer).

Sample Files:

  • Metadata Template

  • Message Template

These guidelines ensure accurate and efficient integration of live chat data into the Sprinklr system, enabling the creation of cases based on the imported information.