Run a Guided Workflow from Agent Persona


Agent persona allows agents to manage their work from a single view. Agents can perform and track their daily activities. Here is a potential scenario where this can be used -

A customer visits a brand store with a query or complaint, in this case, the store agent can directly log in to Sprinklr and search for the customer from their landing page. This will lead the agent to the care console after finding the customer and now the agent can use any guided workflows required to solve the customer query.

In this article, you will learn how to execute a guided workflow from an agent persona. ​

Run a guided workflow from the persona home page

Agents can run guided workflows on a case by navigating to Care Console. However, there are a few business use cases where agents are not required to execute the guided workflows via Care Console. For example,

  1. Create a Case for an offline customer - Many brands want to track the customers who reach their customer service center physically.

  2. Open Profile Console of a customer - Brands may want to view the 360-degree view of a customer profile where the details can be fetched from Customer CRM/APIs, too.

In both of the above examples, you can use guided workflows to create a case or fetch customer details from CRM/APIs. Agent persona gives you the ability to open a guided workflow from the persona home page itself.

  • Agents can go to their home page and see the configured Guided Workflow button.

  • By clicking the button, the configured guided workflow will open in the third pane view.