Connect with Google Data Studio
You can add Sprinklr as a data source in Data Studio to create data visualization reports. Sprinklr's built-in data connector will allow you to access out-of-the-box dashboards powered by Sprinklr to gain insights from across your brand’s social accounts to understand the full impact of your global campaigns, including reach, top content, and sentiment. The selected Sprinklr reporting dimensions and metrics are available. These reports can be securely shared with others in your organization or publicly.
Use Cases
Access out-of-the-box Marketing, Advertising, Research, Care and Engagement dashboards powered by Sprinklr to gain holistic insights from across your brand’s 35+ modern channels to understand the full impact of your global campaigns, including reach, top content, and sentiment.
Real-time data accuracy to support key decisions and strategy.
Enrich existing data with social messaging for an added layer of context.
Create custom data groupings from multiple platforms in Sprinklr then view it Data Studio in a single widget.
Create Custom metrics in Sprinklr and send all aggregatable metrics to Data Studio automatically in real-time.
To Export Dashboard Mapping in Sprinklr
Click the New Tab icon
. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Reporting within Analyze.
Either select the desired dashboard from the Dashboards Home window or click the Dashboard Menu icon
in the top left corner and select the dashboard that you would like to export.
Click the Options icon
in the top right corner of the Reporting Dashboard, and select Export Dashboard Mapping.
Clicking on the Export Dashboard Mapping option generates an excel export which gives a widget-wise list of filters, dimensions, measurements, and their corresponding Sprinklr Report-Engine mapping.
Each tab in excel export corresponds to Sprinklr Dashboard Tab if configured.
To Connect Sprinklr as a Data Source in Google Data Studio
Sign in to Data Studio.
In the Data Studio window, click Create button
in the top left corner and then select Data Source from the drop-down menu.
Under Partner Connectors, select Sprinklr from the list.
First, you will be prompted to grant Data Studio access to your Google account, click AUTHORIZE. You can revoke this access at any time.
Next, you will be prompted to grant Sprinklr-Data Reporting Connector to your Sprinklr account, click AUTHORIZE.
Enter the username and password of your Sprinklr account. Next, click Submit in the bottom right corner to allow Sprinklr-Data Studio Reporting Connector to access your Sprinklr account.
Select the Customers and Workspaces to provide your account access to Google Data Studio. Click Submit in the bottom right corner.
Next, you will see the form Parameters. Fill in the details as required.
Select the Workspace from the drop-down menu and click NEXT.
Based on the Export Mapping, select Engine and click Next to select Report from the drop-down menu.
Click CONNECT in the top right corner.
To Create a Report from the Data Source
On the Data Source Fields widow, click CREATE REPORT in the top right corner to develop your first report.
In future, while creating charts using the new data source, the dimensions and metrics not selected in the Fields tab can be included in the report.
You are required to use GMT time zone in Sprinklr to match your reporting data with Data Studio as Google Data Studio time-zone is always set to GMT.
Click Untitled Report and enter a new name for your report.
Use the Data Source Picker on the right to add the Data Source to this report. A confirmation window will appear. On the confirmation window, click ADD TO REPORT in the bottom right corner.
In the Report Editor window, you can create charts and controls that get your desired data from this data source.
You can use the Toolbar at the top of the Report Editor window to add charts and controls to the report.
You can use the Properties pane on the right to change the data and to style selected components.
For more information on adding data-driven visualizations to your report, see Tutorial: Add charts to your report.
Tip For more information on creating a new report from the data source, see Tutorial: Create a new report. |
To View and Share your Report
You can preview your report and share it with others.
Additionally, you can view and collaborate with other users on your report.
You can specify individual email addresses, or use one or more Google Groups, or share with both.
Tip For more information on view and share your report, see Tutorial: View and share your report. |