MS Teams Integration in Advocacy


Sprinklr Advocacy admins can use the capability of amplification to increase the reach and visibility of brand content by leveraging Advocacy integration capabilities with the most popular workplace collaboration MS Teams. 

Supported Integrations

  • Embed Based 

  • Content Feeds  

  • Broadcast 


  • Brands can significantly increase the exposure and impact of the Advocacy content, driving more reach, engagement and conversion by broadcasting it onto MS Teams channel.  

  • It allows brands to activate their advocates by reaching where they are and making content more accessible to them. 

Embed Based

Brands can seamlessly integrate their Advocacy site with MS Teams through an iframe, enhancing user convenience and productivity in perfect alignment with your team's workflow.  

With the power to embed your Advocacy site directly within MS teams using an iframe, it enables advocates to access the Advocacy platform without leaving the MS teams environment.  

Setup for Embed Based Integration

To set up Embed-Based Integration, admins need to reach out to their Sprinklr success manager and coordinate with the organization's IT admin for configuration across the entire organization 

Content Feed 

Embedded Content Feed refers to a feature that allows brands to display dynamic and real-time Advocacy content lines within their intranets. These feeds automatically pull and display the latest Advocacy content, saving time and manual efforts.  

Brands can embed a feed of advocacy posts into their Teams environment for users to share on their respective accounts.  

Setup for Content Feed Integration 

  • Microsoft Teams integration provides a consistent user experience by allowing you to embed the same Content Feed Webparts that are configured for SharePoint Online. 

  • Tenant admins can make the Sprinklr Advocacy SharePoint app available from the app catalog for the MS Teams workspaces. Reach out to your success manager to know more. 

  • Once the team's app is set up, admins can follow the same steps for generating feed URLs, and filters that are mentioned in the SharePoint Webpart configuration.  

    Graphical user interface, application

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Content Broadcasting is a feature that allows brands to push/broadcast Advocacy content on demand onto their workplace collaboration tools. 

How to broadcast into MS Teams: 

  1. Launch the Advocacy Site from your device.  

  2. Log in to your respective Advocacy Site and click Content Management in the left pane.  

  3. Choose the desired Published Post and click Broadcast in the bottom right corner of the published post tab. 

  4. In the Broadcast Post window, under the Select Accounts field, choose MS Teams account from the drop-down menu.

    Inserting image...

    Note: The accounts in the Broadcast Post window are the names of the Teams Channels available for you to broadcast your post. 

  5. Under the Enter Title field, you are required to enter a title for the post.  

  6. Under the Enter Message field, you can update the message as per your requirements.  

  7. Click on Broadcast.

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Setup and configuration for Broadcast: 

  • To broadcast Advocacy posts, admins are required to configure the Incoming Webhook for a desired channel.  

  • You can configure the webhook name, description and image to comply with the brand guidelines.  

  • Once the incoming webhook is set up, you can reach out to Sprinklr Support for adding the webhook as an Advocacy integration connector.  

  • To start broadcasting to MS Teams, you need to give permissions to the intended broadcasters from Advocacy Site Roles and Permissions.