Salesforce Integration in Advocacy


Sprinklr Advocacy admins can use the capability of amplification to increase the reach and visibility of brand content by leveraging Advocacy integration capabilities with the most popular workplace collaboration Salesforce. 

Supported Integrations:  

Embed Based 


Brands can significantly increase the exposure and impact of the Advocacy content, driving more reach, engagement and conversion by broadcasting it onto Salesforce page and target the Sales team. 

It allows brands to activate their advocates by reaching where they are and making content more accessible to them. 

Embed Based 

Seamlessly integrate your Advocacy site with Salesforce through an iframe, enhancing user convenience and productivity in perfect alignment with your sales team's workflow. 

With the power to embed your Advocacy site directly within Salesforce using an iframe, enable advocates to access the Advocacy platform without leaving the Salesforce environment. 

Setup for Embed Based Integration: 

To set up Embed-Based Integration, admins need to reach out to their Sprinklr success manager and coordinate with the organization's IT admin for configuration across the entire organization.