Introduction to All Components of ACW Builder


Pre-requisite for configuring the ACW: Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have ACW View, Edit or Create permission

The Sprinklr ACW module automates after call work (ACW) processes, allowing businesses to define custom workflows and streamline repetitive tasks. With advanced automation capabilities, agents can update customer records, generate follow-up tasks, and integrate with other systems for seamless data synchronization. This user-friendly module enhances efficiency, accuracy, and customer experiences while optimizing contact center operations.

How to Create an ACW?

To create a new ACW flow, click After Call Work within Resolve under Sprinklr Service. Next, click Create New ACW located on the top right of the ACW manager page. Once you cick on Create New ACW you enter into ACW settings page. This is the place at which you can define basic settings for the ACW workflow like Name, Description, ACW type, ACW time, etc.


Sample ACW settings are in the screenshot below.


After the user has decided on a name and description of the ACW, they can configure the following: 

  1. Allow ACW during call: Enables agents to fill out the ACW while on a call, saving time by capturing details during the conversation.

  2. Trigger ACW as soon as call starts: This option will appear on enabling Allow ACW during call. Enabling this will trigger the ACW as soon as the call will start. This is only applicable for the voice cases.

  3. Keep case assigned after call: Keeps the case assigned to the agent after the call ends and ACW is submitted, allowing them to perform additional tasks on the case.

  4. ACW Type: Dropdown menu to select the type of ACW:

    1. Optional: Agents can choose to skip selecting a wrap-up code after the call.. This feature is useful if your organization does not use wrap-up codes and your agents do not need after call work time.

    2. Mandatory ACW: Agents needs to mandatorily fill the ACW in order to free up their capacity.

    3. Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent: Admin sets a maximum ACW time limit, post which agent capacity willl get free and agent will get next call. If they finish after call work early, their capacity will get free as soon as they submit and automatically become available at the end of the time specified.

    4. Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent with no early exit: Agent capacity will get free only after this time even if agent submits the ACW early. This feature is useful to give agents a "cool down" period between interactions.

      Note: The ACW type cannot be changed after the ACW settings have been saved. 

  5. After call work timeout: In this set the time that the agents have for after call work before they receive more interactions.

    Note: This is only applicable for Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent and Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent with no early exit.

  6. Agent status when timeout happens: You can define the status of the agent when the ACW has timed out and the agent has not submitted it.

    Note: This is only applicable for Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent and Mandatory ACW with time limit for agent with no early exit.

  7. Show ACW for Agent first Outbound calls which are not connected: Allows ACW popup for agents when their outbound calls go unanswered, enabling them to perform necessary workflow actions.

  8. After call work timeout for not connected calls- You can define the timeout for ACW for not connected calls.

    Note: This is only applicable for when Show ACW for Agent first Outbound calls which are not connected is enabled.

  9. To minimize the count of pending After Call Work (ACW), you have the option to enable Extensions and configure the number of extensions permitted per call and the time duration for each extension. When extended, it will simultaneously extend both the ACW timer and the Auto Wrap-Up (AUTo) timer.

  10. Enable the toggle for Enable Auto Wrap Up for ACW.

    Enter the designated Auto Wrap Up Time, which can also be configured to match the ACW Timeout. Please ensure that the Auto Wrap Up Timeout is equal to or greater than the ACW Timeout duration.

    Automated ACW wrap-up addresses the challenge of time and context loss associated with pending ACWs. It automatically disposes of cases/calls if agents do not take action within the specified auto-wrap up time.

Once these settings are configured, the user can click on the Save button to proceed further.

ACW Builder

The ACW Builder in Sprinklr provides a user-friendly interface for creating and editing ACWs. It features a drag-and-drop canvas where you can easily design your ACW flows. The builder offers a range of modules or nodes, each serving a specific function, which can be seamlessly integrated into the ACW flow. With this intuitive interface, you can efficiently build and customize ACWs to suit your business needs.

We can divide the whole builder into 6 major components-

  1. Canvas: This is where you design your ACW flow by arranging and connecting nodes.

  2. Add New Node: By clicking the plus sign (+), you can choose from a list to add nodes to your ACW Canvas.

    Note: Nodes are blocks of executable actions in the workflow that make various actions like scheduling a callback, adding to a suppression list, etc.

  3. Manage Resources: This is a crucial component of the ACW Builder interface. By clicking on the ${x} icon located in the top right corner, you gain access to a comprehensive view of all variables and resources utilized in the ACW. This includes variables that store important information throughout the ACW flow.

    Not only can you review the existing variables, but you can also create new variables tailored to your specific requirements. These variables serve as placeholders for data that can be used and manipulated within the ACW.

  4. System variables: These are pre-defined variables that hold important information about the call and can be used within the ACW to enhance its functionality.

    • Case: This field includes details of the current case. These field includes Case creation time, Case Assignee, Case Asset ID and all Case custom fields.

    • User: This field includes details of the User to which this case is assigned to. This field includes the value of User Asset ID, User Email Address, User Availability status and all User customer fields.

    • Profile: This field contains details of Profile linked to the current case. These fields include the value of Profile Asset ID, Profile Created Time, Profile mobile number, Profile email address, Profile full name and all profile custom fields.

    • Voice App ID: This field gives the application ID of Voice application from which the call is being made / triggered.

    • Language: This field captures the language which customer selected on IVR

    • Voice Conversation: This field includes values sent by voice service providers (Twiliio, Ozonetel etc.), Those fields are-

      • From / Customer Phone Number : This provides the number from which a call is made.

      • To: This provides the number to which call is made.

      • Direction: This field indicates whether the call is inbound (from a network provider) or outbound (initiated from Sprinklr)..

      • Call Start Time: This captures the time when voice service providers got the request for a call from either network provider or Sprinklr.

      • Customer Connected: Boolean values to check if customer is connected or not

      • Country Code/From City/From Country / From State / From Zip: This captures the details sent by the network operator like where SIM is registered to - country, state, city. This depends on Country to Country if this Data can be provided by Network operator due to Privacy Laws.(Note: Check these values before using these fields in the Flow.)

        Note: Please note that the availability of data in the "Country Code/From City/From Country/From State/From Zip" field may vary depending on the country and the network operator. Privacy laws and regulations may restrict the provision of certain information. It is recommended to verify the availability of these fields before utilizing them in your workflow.

      • Customer Handle Time - This field records the total duration of the call, capturing the time from start to finish

    • Blacklisting Reason: This field provides the reason why the profile was blacklisted by the brand, giving insight into the cause.

    • Conversation Completion Status - This field captures the current status of call like All Agent busy, Call in Progress, Call Accepted, Offer Accepted etc.

    • ACW Callback: This boolean field determines whether the current call is an ACW callback or not. It helps identify if the call requires additional follow-up or post-call activities.

    • ID: This field captures the Voice application / Dialer ID from which call is being made.

    • Voice Initiator: This field captures the mongo id of call initiator

    • Asset Class: This field has predefined value for voice calls - "VOICE_CONVERSATION"

    • Voice Sn ID : This Field has predefined value - "SPRINKLR_VOICE"

    • Associated to Existing Case: This field is a boolean value, to check if a call is attached to an existing case or was a new case created for this call.

    • Previous Case: This provides the data of previous case if call was Associated to Existing Case (i.e. Associated to Existing Case value should be yes).

    • Previous Case Insights: This field captures some important information regarding Previous case like status, creation time etc.

  5. Activity: You can open by clicking on Activity from bottom left corner. This has two section-

    1. ACW activity: This allows you to view the activity log of the ACW, showing a record of all the changes made, including the date, details of the changes, and the user responsible for making the modifications.

    2. ACW Version History: This tab keeps track of different versions of the ACW that have been deployed. It lists previous versions along with the deployment date, time, and the user who deployed the previous ACW. You also have the option to restore a previous version of the ACW



Nodes and Functionalities

Here you will find information about the different components that can be used while creating an ACW. These actions include callbacks, suppression lists, and the creation of sales leads, sending SMS or email, and more.

To add a new node action, simply click on the plus sign > select the desired node from the available options. Below, you will find comprehensive descriptions of each node action. There are three kind of node-

  1. User Communication nodes

  2. System Nodes

  3. Flow Action

User Communication Nodes:

  1. Add Screen: This node is used to add a screen that will be visible to the agent. The agent would interact with this screen and fill out all the necessary fields about the call.

  2. Send SMS/EMAIL/Whatsapp: This node allows you to send messages through SMS, Whatsapp or Email to customer wherever required during the IVR Flow.  

System Actions Nodes:

  1. Decision Box: in ACW this allows to create multiple paths based on specific conditions. In this you can specify the criteria for selecting a particular path.

  2. API: are mini programs that help to fetch data from third party servers or applications. This node helps to pull information using APIs based on specific inputs. This allows us to use the retrieved data in the ACW and use it for automating post call workflow

  3. Custom Field Action: This Node is used to add, remove, merge or in general edit any custom fields for case and profile.

  4. Add or Remove from Queues: This is used to add or remove the current case from a case queue.

    What is case queue? Queues in Sprinklr are a collection of entities. A particular case queue is noting but a bucket of cases. Cases can be added or removed in their respective queues either automatically using macros or rules; or manually by agents.

  5. Merge Profile: This node facilitates the merging of customer profiles from different channels into a universal profile. By doing so, agents can easily access and view all customer details and past interaction across multiple channels.

  6. Add Notes: This allows you to add custom notes inside the ACW at profile & case level. These notes can be used by the brand for internal reference purposes or can be used to give context to the agents when the case assigned to them or can also be used for debugging your ACW.

  7. Loop: In ACW, when we have a variable list of items, such as a list of accounts or transactions, the Loop node allows us to perform actions on each element of the list automatically.

  8. Break Loop: During the iteration process using the Loop node, there might be certain conditions where we need to stop the loop before reaching the end of the list. The Break Loop node helps us achieve this by ending the loop at a specific element.

  9. Call Another Flow: Sometimes, there are certain flows or inputs that are needed repeatedly in different ACWs, To make things more efficient, we can create a separate ACW for these repetitive processes and call them within the main ACW whenever needed. Once the child ACW completes its task, control returns to the main ACW for further processing.

  10. Schedule Callback: This node helps callers to schedule a callback in ACW for the later time.

  11. Assign Value: This node is used to set the value for some variable/resources in the ACW.

  12. Get Records: This node is used to load properties for any other case, profile, any custom entity present in the Sprinklr into the IVR. 

  13. Update Records: This node is used to update properties for any other case, profile, any custom entity present in the Sprinklr from the IVR.

  14. Create Records: This node is used to create a record like case, profile or any other custom entity present in the Sprinklr from the IVR. 

  15. Add to Supperssion list: This node is used to add customer phone number to suppression list so that later on this customer can be suppressed from outbound calling.

  16. Execute Action

    You can utilize this node to apply a macro, fetch all attachments linked to a case in Care Console and display them within the "Attach File" component of the Screen node, or add the pending cases/calls to the holding queue. Below this node, you'll find two branches: one for "Success" and the other for "Failure."

Flow action node:

  1. End Connection: This is the final node in each branch of the ACW that submits the ACW. If the End Connection node is encountered within a child ACW, the control will go back to parent ACW.

  2. Go To Node: You can connect two nodes using this node.

Save and Deployment Options:

Once you are done with your configuration, you have three options to save the progress-

  1. Save & Deploy: Saves your ACW and deploys it i.e. puts it in ‘Active’ state. Only after deployment, ACW can be used.

    Pre-requisite for deploying ACW: Your user should have ACW Deploy Permission

    Note: It's important to note that if you plan to use the ACW in a "Call Another Flow" scenario, the child ACW also needs to be in the active state for the option to add it to the main call flow to appear.

  2. Save as Draft: Choosing this option saves your ACW configuration as a draft version, which sets its status to "Paused." This allows you to save your work and make further modifications at a later time without activating the ACW immediately.

  3. Close: Clicking on this option closes the ACW configuration interface without saving any changes. It is essential to note that closing the ACW without saving will result in the loss of any unsaved progress.

ACW Actions

After creation, hover over the Options icon next to the ACW to take any desired action, such as:

Edit: This action allows you to modify the nodes or workflow of the ACW actions.

Edit Settings: This option enables you to adjust specific basic settings for the ACW workflow like Name, Description, ACW Type, ACW Time, etc.

Clone: Cloning creates a duplicate copy of the ACW. This can be useful if you want to create a similar set of actions without having to recreate them from scratch. You can also choose to edit parameters like the name, type, or any other relevant settings before finalizing the cloning process.

Share: Sharing allows you to grant access to the ACW actions to other users or groups within your organization.

Delete: This action removes the ACW actions permanently.

Pending ACWs

You can apply a limit on the number of pending After Call Work (ACWs) tasks a user can have. When this limit is breached, the user's status will automatically change to a specified status. The user will not be able to change their availability status to a productive status when the pending ACW limit is exceeded, and an error message will be displayed. Productive statuses are those defined in the queue and dialer shared with the user. This notification informs the user that they have reached the pending ACW limit and are unable to receive calls.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager and provide the desired status to which the user should be moved when the pending ACW limit is reached.