What is Assignment Engine ?


The Assignment Engine is used to assign incoming cases or messages to specific teams or agents based on various criteria, such as language, priority, or customer profile.

Assignment Engine is a single screen from where you can configure and manage assignments of messages/cases. Based on capacity, availability, priority and past interactions of the agent , it routes right message to the right agent. This feature is useful for optimizing case management workflows and ensuring that cases are assigned to the most appropriate team or agent based on their availability and skillset.

How Assignment Engine Works?

1. Rule Engine

After a message is captured in Sprinklr, it is sent through a number of configfured rules in order to associate various properties with it like Language, Priority, Sentiment, etc. It is then associated with a case which can be new or aready existing. Based on these properties, we route the cases to different Work Queues in order to assign the cases to agents.

2. Work Queue

Work queue is a queue that holds cases/messages for assignment. Agents/agent groups are assigned to this work queue and we define the conditions to sort the order of assignment of the cases in the queue. This sorting of the cases for assignment depends on many factors like case creation time, case priority rank, skills associated with a case, etc. which can be set manually by a user. Finally, case is matched with the most appropriate agent who is available to take up cases and has the right skill sets to understand the customer's query.

3. Holding Queue - There can be a situation where a large number of messages/cases is routed to a work queue and the agents are already fully occupied with previous cases. In such scenario, the case will be waiting in the queue till the time any agent gets some room to handle more cases.

Benefits of Assignment Engine

Assignment Engine can be preferred way of assignment because of following reasons -

1. It gives a single screen for configuring and managing assignments across the partner.

2. allows you to configure backup agents to balance uneven workload in some groups.

3. allows supervisors to see all assignment details and assignment logs in a single screen.