Configuring Engagement Dashboard in Case Stream


Engagement dashboard within Sprinklr provides a way to manage your team's response workflows from organized dashboards. They allow you to create customized dashboards in which cases can be viewed, acted upon, engaged with, and assigned. From the Engagement Dashboards, your team can view and take actions on cases in columns which are custom configured to display the content they need to be able to see and act upon. For example, agents are generally concerned about the cases that are assigned to them, so an Assigned to Me type of Case Management column can be created and when agents open the care console with this column, the case stream will only show the cases assigned to them.

Steps to Create an Engagement Dashboards and Open it in Care Console

  • Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  • You can view all the exisiting Engagement dashboards.

  • Click Create Dashboard in the top right corner for creating a new Engagement dashboard.

  • On the Add New Dashboard window and provide the Name of the Dashboard.

  • Select Tags from the drop-down menu if you want to. You can add multiple tags for a particular dashboard. Tags help you in organizing your engagement dashboards in the Dashboard Menu.

  • Click Add in the bottom right corner of the Add New Dashboard pop-up window to save your Dashboard.

  • Click Add Column on the top right corner. This will give all the channels currently available, and you can select any of them to create a channel specific column.

  • To create a column for cases, select Case Management as a source.

  • You can create different types of Case Management columns in your Engagement Dashboard -

    • Search – Create a custom search case column to search through cases using any custom fields or system fields

    • Created By Me – Create a column of cases created by you

    • Assigned To Me – Create a column of cases assigned to you

    • Assigned By Me – Create a column of cases assigned by you

    • My Subscriptions – Create a column of cases subscribed by you

    • Case Queue – Create a column of cases present in any workspace queue

    • Work Queue – Create a column of cases present in any work queue

    • My Engaged Cases – Create a column of cases you’ve interacted with in any way

  • Select 'Assigned To Me'.

  • You can now configure various settings and parameters such as status, channel, sort by etc. to filter / control the visibility of the cases in this column.

  • Click on Create Column.

Open the Created Engagement Dashboard in Care Console

  • To view the same column in the care console, click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Care Console within Omnichannel Dashboards.

  • Click on the name of the dashboard which is the second name in the top right corner of the screen. Search the name of your respective dashboard and select it.

  • Click on the column name which is the first name in the top right corner of the screen. It will open a list of all the columns present within the selected engagement dashboard.

  • You will be able to view your created column in Engagement Dashboard in the Care Console.