Best Practices for Parameter Discovery


  1. Clear and Specific Guidelines for Parameters

    Guidelines must be clearly defined, eliminating any subjectivity. Specific guidelines enhance the accuracy of the AI model. Well-defined parameters are essential for assessing feasibility, and comprehensive guidelines are established during the discovery phase with the client.

    Example 1


    Parameter Name 


    Creative Response 

    Check if the agent has sent a creative response.

    Creative Response 

    Check if the agent personalized the conversation by mentioning the customer's name, asking about their day, wishing them a happy birthday if mentioned, or engaging in non-work-related talk.

    Example 2


    Parameter Name 


    Proactive Agent Response 

    Check if the agent reduced customer efforts.

    Proactive Agent Response 

    Check if the agent replied in a timely manner and did not make the customer wait for a response.

    Discovery Tips

    • Define guidelines in objective terms.

    • Avoid vague language that can get interpreted in multiple ways.

    • Use specific criteria and examples to illustrate what constitutes each parameter.

    • Establish comprehensive guidelines during the discovery phase with the client.

    • Ensure all stakeholders have a mutual understanding of the parameters and their definitions.

  2. Information Should Lie in the Case Conversation

    Information lies within the case conversation. Any information not part of the transcripts or custom fields within the Sprinklr platform cannot be detected by Automated Quality Management (AQM).

    Example 1


    Parameter Name 


    Correct Logs 

    Check if an agent correctly logs the contact driver in an external CRM system outside of Sprinklr.

    Correct Logs 

    Check if an agent correctly updates the contact driver in the custom field within Sprinklr.

    Discovery Tips

    • If external systems are used, integrate them with Sprinklr to ensure the detection of AQM parameters. For example, if importing calls into the Sprinklr platform, ensure the relevant metadata is uploaded with the calls for AQM.

  3. Image Text Analysis is Not Supported

    Image Text Analysis is not supported. The capability to analyze text present within images is not currently available.

    Example 1


    Parameter Name 


    Confidential Info Shared 

    Check if an agent shared an image containing "acme care" written on it, as it constitutes a privacy violation for the company.

    Confidential Info Shared 


    Check if an agent mentioned "acme care" in the messages sent to the customer, as it constitutes a privacy violation for the company.

  4. Parameters Should Not Be Overlapping

    To ensure clarity and avoid confusion, parameters should be distinct and non-overlapping. In situations where parameters overlap, it is crucial to either combine them or establish clear demarcations.

    Example 1


    Parameter Name 


    Negative Customer Experience 

    Check if the customer mentioned having a negative experience with the customer care team, expressing frustrations such as "I’m frustrated with this" or "I am unhappy with you guys".

    Customer Not Happy 

    Check if the customer expressed dissatisfaction with the customer care service, using phrases like "this is terrible customer service" or "what a headache to deal with you guys".

    Discovery Tips

    • Avoid Overlaps: Ensure each parameter captures a unique aspect of customer feedback.

    • Combine Parameters: If significant overlap exists, consider merging parameters into a comprehensive category.

    • Clear Demarcation: Define clear boundaries for overlapping parameters that cannot be combined. For example, differentiate "Negative Customer Experience" focusing on product/service issues from "Customer Not Happy" addressing team quality.

  5. SOP-Based Parameters and Flow Charts

    For SOP-based parameters, flow charts should be created to ensure clear and comprehensive understanding. SOP-based parameters involve the use of multiple AI models for a single parameter.

    Example 1


    Parameter Name 


    Sales Offer Made 

    Check if the agent offered a sales offer to the customer when the agent was not dissatisfied. If the agent offered a sales offer when the customer was dissatisfied, score them zero.

    Sales Offer Made 

    Discovery Tips 

    • Create detailed flow charts to map out the entire process for each SOP-based parameter.

    • Identify and define the different AI models needed for each SOP-based parameter.

    • Specify the guidelines clearly for each AI model within the flow chart and remove subjectivity for each AI model used.