Global Parameters for Automated Quality Management


L1 Category

L2 Subcategory



Opening Quality


Did the agent open the conversation with a greeting?

- Hi, Hello, Hey
- Good morning/afternoon

Opening With Brand Mention

Did the agent use the brand name while opening the conversation?

- Thank you for contacting ACME Care.

Introducing Using Agent Name

Did the agent introduce himself/herself by name?

- I am John, and I will be assisting you today.
Closing Quality


Did the agent express gratitude while closing the case conversation?

- Pleasure to assist.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you for your time.

Closing With Brand Mention

Did the agent use the brand name while closing the conversation?

- Thank you for contacting ACME Support.


Did the agent ask for feedback from the customer on the overall customer experience?

- Kindly share your valuable feedback as the conversation is very important for me.
- A follow-up call will be made to gather your feedback based on our conversation.

Further Assistance

Did the agent confirm with the customer that any further assistance is required or not?

- Okay, definitely, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with apart from this?
- Apart from that, is there anything else I could assist you with right now, sir?

Active Listening


Customer messages that indicate they have to repeat themselves during the conversation.

- Yeah I already said that, I can't keep repeating​.
- I am getting frustrated with repeating same information to you.



Did the agent appreciate the customer for their time, loyalty, and patience?

- We appreciate your cooperation.
- Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Did the agent's response highlight ownership and a can-do attitude?

- I will definitely help you with best possible options.
- I will do my best to alleviate your concern.


Did the agent's response highlight that he/she can feel what the customer is going through?

- I can imagine the trouble that your device is causing you.
- I can totally understand your situation.
- I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Lack of Clarity

(Only applicable on Voice)​

Customer messages that depict that the agent's voice is not clear.

- Nevertheless, I can't clearly hear your voice.​

- Your voice is genuinely breaking.​

- Can you repeat that because your voice is not audible?

Communication Skills


(Only applicable on Digital)

Did the agent make any spelling mistakes or use incorrect verbs/nouns during the conversation?

- I hvae filed the tciket. (Wrong Spelling)


Did the agent use any profane or inappropriate words during the conversation?

- Bloody hell.

Agent Interruption


(Only applicable on Voice)

Did the advisor interrupt the customer or speak simultaneously with the customer?

N/A (Logic based)

Hold Quality

Long Hold (Only applicable on Voice)

Advisor placing the customer on hold for more than the specified time. The duration of a long hold depends on business requirements.

N/A (Logic based)

Hold Time Informed (Only applicable on Voice)

Advisor informing the customer about the time for which they would be placed on hold.

- Will it be okay if you stay on the line for 2-3 minutes while I check the order details, please?

Hold Permission Asked (Only applicable on Voice)

Advisor seeking permission from the customer to place them on hold.

- Could you please allow me to place the conversation on hold while I fetch the account information and assist you further?

Hold Reason Informed (Only applicable on Voice)

Advisor informing the reason for placing the customer on hold.

- Sorry for keeping you on hold. I had to pull up your account details to check it out.
Zero Tolerance

Call Ignorance

(Only applicable on Voice)

The call was disconnected after the customer spoke when there was more than 10 seconds of silence from the advisor.

N/A (Logic based)

Call Avoidance

(Only applicable on Voice)

No response from the advisor from the beginning of the call, and the call was disconnected by the customer/advisor.

N/A (Logic based)

Disconnect During Long Hold

(Only applicable on Voice)

The call was disconnected after a long hold was observed from the advisor.

N/A (Logic based)

Advisor Disconnect

(Only applicable on Voice)

Call abruptly disconnected by the advisor without any closing script.

N/A (Logic based)

Scoring Criteria for AI Quality Scores

Quality scores are determined using two scoring criteria:

  1. Binary Scoring: This method evaluates agents on a simple yes or no basis, assigning a score of 100 for a positive result and 0 for a negative result.

  2. Delta Scoring: This approach involves assigning a penalty based on the number of mistakes made, with the penalty subtracted from the total score.

In either case, the highest possible score for any quality parameter is 100, and the lowest possible score is 0.